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I used to work 5 days a week, 9 am to 2pm. I quite liked it, but my employer would often call or ask for "urgent" stuff to be down after my hours, which meant I could not be fully present for family or whatever I had planned. I have now switched to a 3 days workweek at another job, and I find it much easier to set effective boundaries. If I'm not there I'm not there and that's it. I don't think I could ever go back to working 40 hour weeks to be honest. When do you get anything personal done?

> When do you get anything personal done?

This is why my stomach drops when this discussion turns into "the whole organization should shut down for another day". That's what I need a day off for. To go to doctor's appointments. To watch a contractor when he's working in my home. To talk to the lawyer planning my estate. Those people need to be working for me to get the full value of my extra day off.

We don't all need to shut down on the same day, and if we do, we'll schedule around it or use shift work. As you can plainly see, service work still gets done even with two days off in a week. Three won't make a difference.

That's my point. I think the vast majority of adults have some amount of personal business that already isn't getting done. Shortening the week is going to make it worse.

Yes, the apache[0] image will do what you want

[0] https://github.com/docker-library/php/blob/1c4b255f3e5ab610c...

I'm a complete beginner regarding this stuff, so if I may ask, how would I go about downloading the relevant model (e.g. wizardcoder-python-34b-v1.0.Q4_K_S.gguf) I checked on Hugging face but all I got was a bunch of .bin files...


Do a search on the HuggingFace models page, e.g.:


Thanks, I managed to convert what I had downloaded with the convert.py script in llama.cpp.

Google the filename + "torrent download"

https://jfoucher.com/ My blog since 2004 with a variety of subjects, some technical some less so. I rarely blog anymore so most of the content is pretty out of date.

I used to be a naval architect, and I completely agree with you. This type of design is extremely inefficient for cargo delivery. I think it is unrealistic to expect to be able to even remotely compete with diesel cargo ships. As another commenter said, the crew are in fact paying passengers (I have not verified this) which means this is actually a cruise ship, which makes a lot more sense. It must be a great experience. In my mind, the only way sailing ships can come back as work boats is if a way is found to make them nearly automatic and space efficient. In my mind this means large steel ships, not dissimilar to regular cargo ships, but with automated kite sails (e.g. https://skysails-marine.com/) as they do not tend to tip the ship over like regular sails do.

Are there Kerbal Space Program like simulation for naval architect wannabe? I have always wanted to learn more about what it takes to design maritime crafts / structure.

Not that I know of, sorry...

In my case it’s because interfacing to the CPU bus is much simpler, and the code to drive it way smaller. SD card pretty much require a separate interface such as a 6522 VIA.

Nothing much really it evolved into a more refined design, of which I sold a couple of plans to amateur builders.

Will try there, thanks

Sorry I didn’t build this, so I don’t know where the data comes from.

This is nice, I just compiled it, but how do I play it? I can't seem to find any instructions on the website...

From https://home.hccnet.nl/h.g.muller/download.html:

> To play you must enter moves in algebraic notation, and to make the computer do a move you should press an extra enter. You can alternate sides whenever you want, the program accepts or plays moves for the side whose turn it is to move. After having done a move, be it yours or his own, micro-Max prints a board with the new position. To quit type control-c.

The instructions say you must enter "algebraic notation," but I couldn't figure it out until I took a peek at the source code to see how it was trying to parse input.

You always just enter source square to destination square. So to play an opening move 1. d4, you would type `d2d4` (move piece on d2 to d4) and press enter. Then if you want micromax to play the next move for black, just press enter again. It'll think for quite a while and draw the board with the new position. To play 2. Bf4, you'd then type 'c1f4', and so on.

(This appears to be "long algebraic notation" and is apparently common in chess engines, now that I look it up on Wikipedia.)

Right, that's the answer. I tried using regular algebraic notation without success, but this works fine. Thank you.

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