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Promises are not superior in general. There is a significant performance hit that, in some problem areas, absolutely should not be ignored. Neither of those links claims that promises are superior in general. They provide additional, valuable features, but with tradeoffs.

Well, I stand corrected. Yes, there definitely is a performance penalty for promises.

Performance may be a tradeoff for the current engines, but I'm optimistic that it will be optimized away as it doesn't add too much semantics over the callbacks. Maybe error handling is tricky.

I would say they are superior to callbacks as object-oriented code is to procedural code - that also has some performance cost in many engines.

But, you are saying tradeoffs - plural. I, as an experienced web developer, am sincerely curious what any other can be?

> as object-oriented code is to procedural code

That is not a universally-accepted statement either.

I'm not interested in taking sides here, only pointing out that there are a wider variety of extant opinions than you seem to realize.

That was exactly my point. Object-oriented code is conceptualized as a next step but there are indeed cases where you would be better off procedural and there are many people who like procedural just better. Maybe it's my poor English, would this be more clear: Promises are as superior as to callbacks as object-oriented code is to procedural code. (Ok now it's not very readable :) )

I find anecdotal evidence to be more valuable.

Statistical evidence is always the best (assuming it's done right)

> Statistical evidence is always the best

Do you have the numbers to back that up?

As bad as first semester philosophy majors can be with oversimplifying problems with governance, they hold no candle to the silicon valley libertarianpreneurs such as this. This is a Fox News rant filtered for a wealthier audience.

But we just need to 'unleash' all the awesome private sector entrepreneurs who are successfully tackling the problem of the lack of affordable healthcare for millions of Americans.

Oh wait, there are no private sector entrepreneurs who succeeded in solving that problem? It must be because of all the 'big gubmint' and their regulations.

How does this trash make it into my HN feed?

I only wash my hands in the bathroom if I shit on my hands, and that happens at MOST two or three times a week.

Were chair prices spiraling out of control before DOS was released? Something like 40% of office furniture is made by american prisoners, and I have a feeling they're not using Windows while making it. Paying workers <$0.15 an hour is what is making chairs cheaper.

Polycystic ovary syndrome does not make you fat, and it's really not that difficult to overcome the weight issues you may think are caused by it.

I'm sure the obscene medical bills would eventually be passed onto her if it were the US, so I don't see the point of the question.

You're "sure" of something that's utterly false? Relatives are not responsible for the debts of a deceased person in the US.

Any middle/upper-middle class, healthy American-born person with a caring family, access to good education resources, opportunities to stay employed throughout their life, and a drive to work for the market can and should do that if they live in an area with a demand for new jobs and are lucky enough to stay away from any serious accidents, diseases, and pregnancies.

As someone who immigrated here as a refugee without a dollar to my name and a family to feed, I realize how much of a role pure chance and luck play in my successes thus far despite the obstacles.

I'm thankful that he's only Icelandic and not Balkan. Slavic culture commonly incorporates swearing in just about every aspect of life in casual, entertainment, and business settings. We would never hear the end of it from the web tabloids/bloggers of the world.

Do people really think that swear words in and of themselves are the problem?

My understanding wasn't that he used profanity, but he effectively flamed people. Swearing is just another tool in the toolkit as far as chewing someone out is concerned, modulo the ones with obvious gender connotations.

"Flaming" is subjective in my opinion, while profanity isn't. The last curfuffle to me was really just someone overreacting to typical impersonal male culture, then a bunch of men overreacting for the fact a woman tried to disrupt said culture. From there it really just escalated into further melodrama, completely idiotic.

I think you meant "Icelandic" to mean the 'cultural region' (like Balkan). In English you could use "Nordic" instead, and possibly also "Scandinavian" (although "Scandinavian" technically excludes Finland, depending on who you ask).

I only know of him what I read on the Internet, but Wikipedia says he is Finnish. Your original point stands though.

Much in the same way that communicating insecurely with 90% of your contacts is not going to help PGP keep your emails encrypted, requesting sites from outside of the tor network is not going to help keep your internet usage anonymous. It's a problem of behavior and adoption rate

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