It isn't contradictory to congratulate someone and state honestly that he is confused about how the app is meant to be used, and therefore won't likely try it again. For example, I admire what Zynga has accomplished but won't ever play one of their games myself.
but you're saying everyone is jealous when almost all of the grievances come from the fact that the app is useless to most people. You confirmed this point (that it is useless to you) yet you also claim that everyone else is just jealous. Why can your "I'm never going to use it" not be the same reason everyone else has and why can't that be a valid reason for thinking this is ridiculous?
Somebody saw something huge in their app. I wasn't this person.
I am happy that somebody saw something huge in their app because it means that a few developers have found some success, and seeing other people be successful makes me happy.
I personally think that a lot of the comments I've seen here stem from jealously because I personally am jealous of their funding.
bar spending? $50/weekend * 52 weeks in a year = $2600/year. I did much worse than that I have to admit. And don't start with 'most college students are under 21' because most people I knew were resourceful when it came to age modification, not to mention our proximity to Mexico :)
I've been really happy with Chrome after using Firefox for a long time. I couldn't bear one more Adobe Flash Plugin crash. Has any Chrome user here switched over to Firefox 4 and been pleased with it?
Tried switching back this morning. I wanted to like it, I really did. But compared to Chrome, Firefox still feels heavy, cluttered, and it doesn't quite mesh with how I feel a browser should work.
I realise that these are amorphous and inarticulate reasons for choosing one browser over another, but it's all I've got.
The only thing preventing me from leaving FF to move to Chrome is TabMixPlus (especially multi-layered tabs), considering I regularly have 20-30+ tabs open simultaneously. Scrolling through tabs on Chrome is a very painful experience, and as such, my Chrome experience is limited to occasional moments when FF feels too clunky and needs to be restarted.
If there is a Chrome extension that allows this, please let me know, because I've been unable to find one.
I don`t know if this will help, but I am using extension Too Many Tabs for Chrome. Not that it is as awesome as TabMixPlus for FF, but it helps.
And there are other similar extensions. I haven`t tried all of them, but here is the link:
Yes. Running OS X, Firefox is more responsive when opening and switching to new tabs. Maybe the act of creating a new process for each tab slows Chrome down? For example, if I open a new tab in Chrome while I have many already open and then attempt to scroll, the scrolling will lag by a second. I almost never have any lag with Firefox except when first starting the program. Even with an SSD Firefox is more responsive.
This can be done without a plugin in Chrome. Simply go to about:flags and enable the Click to Play plugins option. This enables an extra option in the prefs under Content Settings IIRC, that allows you to force any, all, or specific plugins to behave this way. Godsend.
More-or-less. I test drove Chrome for about a month but I cannot live without NoScript support. Besides that I find the browsers to be about equal for what I use them for.
This was about 6 months ago.
note: I did try NotScripts for Chrome, but it was too limited.
Firefox 4 has a clear lead over all the other browsers in HTML5 support and javascript performance. It is the best release on the market for HTML5 gaming.
Hi Brian, I met you when you stayed with my cousin Caitlin (using your own service!) in Denver back during the Democratic National Convention in 2008. It is really cool to see how much your company has grown since that time. Congrats! - Jason