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When browsing the ads on http://weworkremotely.com, I have to force myself to read the highlighted listings, otherwise my brain just ignores them.

I guess it's the product of years of ignoring the ads on Google.

I wonder if that makes you more conscious of them.

I'm thinking about a study cited in Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow[1] where the participants did better on a test when the questions where in a blurry font. I believe it was suggested that being forced to exert mental effort to read the questions forced their brain into "actual thinking mode" as opposed to "pattern recognition" mode.

ie. If we know it's probably not an ad, but it looks like an ad, is it a more effective bit of non-ad? (well, it is an ad, but it's an ad we want to see.)


It may seem backwards, but the only real way to buy Bitcoins anonymously is to buy them in person using cash.

Check out: http://localbitcoins.com

But you can just buy them through somewhere like Coinbase, then use Bitcoin Fog to make them anonymous.


If you leave them in Bitcoin Fog for a couple of days / weeks, there is very little chance they'll be traced back to you.

Whoever runs bitcoinfog might want to revise this statement on their gateway page:

> And once again, running through Tor makes it not likely for us to be shut down under pressure from the authorities. When in doubt about this, consider Silk Road.

When I consider Silk Road, it makes me less confident that this service won't be shut down.

Seeing as those are still up and haven't been removed, I'm guessing the Coinbase app was removed for quality reasons. I used the thing and wasn't impressed. The experience wasn't great. Hopefully if they fix it up and resubmit the app, Apple will allow it back in.

I find this statement to be a bit absurd. The app is polished, looks good, easy to use, and has never once crashed on me. I'm honestly not sure what it could do better...

Fix what up exactly?

That wasn't the reason that Apple provided us with.

e: clarity

Are you being intentionally vague in your responses? Has apple banned you from talking about why the app was removed or something?

what was the reason?

I'm starting to think there's a reason he doesn't want us to know the reason.

> removed for quality reasons

If apple would start doing this 90% of the apps in the store had to be purged.

I don't have a problem with doing this in general. I just have a problem with a company who's sole purpose is to make profit doing it.

If a non-profit organisation like Wikipedia started doing this, it'd be fine by me. Because they'd actually do it for the purpose of free information and not so they can just slap ads on it.

Do you think the MPA is unsuitable for running GNU/Linux? Or are you just looking for a cheaper alternative?

I run linux on my MBA 11". It works great. I don't think I get quite the battery life I'd get with OSX but apart from that everything works out of the box. Ubuntu has a Mac iso especially for Apple machines.

I was experiencing much worse battery times on a MBP which is why I'm reluctant to get a MBA, yet it is such an appealing notebook.

I think this may have happened to my MacBook Air 62 GB (Summer 2012). One day I booted up and nothing happened, just had a blank screen that never went away. I tried to use the internet restore and it couldn't find a drive. I then USB booted to Ubuntu and looked for the drive, but no drives were there.

Does this sound like the drive failure they're talking about? It happened a month ago and I haven't touched it since. I obviously can't run the firmware test they suggest, because my drive has already seemingly failed.

Sounds like it. I'd be taking it in anyway, even if you're slightly out of warranty, most Apple Stores are happy to waive the cost if you have had any specific suffering due to it.

Same thing happened to me around the same time. I went in reporting failures and not being able to boot into it or find it with liveboot. Genius recommended a reformat which somehow installed (but didn't really work, console all also reported failures).

Second visit ended up replacing the hdd with a new one. Just did this update and my Mac isn't doing so well. user land can't load. Beware.

EDIT: Eventually it came to life, my model is TS064E which is apparently one of the effected models, so it looks like a third Genius appointment for me.

Happened to me a couple of months ago. MacBook Air Summer 2012. One day, it would no longer turn on. Took it to Apple Store and was unable to find the disk. They replaced the drive and put the OS on it for me.

Same thing happened to me in September. Fortunately I had backups so no data was lost but I was out a computer for a week and had to shell out $300 for the repair.

I spoke to Apple this morning and they issued a full refund.

There were reports about failing toshiba ssds in macbook airs before. My SSD too died. Got it replaced in 1 day (EU 2 year warranty) by an apple reseller

When I see code like this, I'm always amazed that I can actually read it and (kinda) understand what it's doing. I always expect code like Facebook's to be so finely tuned and advanced that it'd be completely uninteligable to those outside the company and not an expert in the language.

Actually, a large codebase can be reasonably expected to live 20 years. Over that time with a lowish 10% turnover you'll replace the entire programming staff twice, so the understanding people have of the code is not just hearsay, but hearsay of hearsay. The sheer size of the codebase (facebook has tens of millions of lines of code) means that practically speaking you can't program your way out of a corner once you get there. That is (partly) what killed facebook's competitors. The solution to all of this is to be ruthless about simplifying code. The goal of new code should first and foremost be to be maintainable. Clever code is the enemy of scaling a programming team. Not that you don't need clever code, but you isolate it and protect it and make sure the average team member doesn't have to look at it.

In my experience code become unitelligable not because it's fine tuned and advanced but because it's messy and rushed.

Or over-generalized with the logic split up and hidden in the interactions between a dozen (sub)classes.

Or under-generalised with the logic duplicated in a dozen places, ever-so-slightly differently

Doesn't quite hold true once you get done to hand written and optimised binaries though. There's no way of making assembly easily readable to everyone, no matter how relaxed the developer.

Hand-written assembly can be just as readable as any other language. See https://github.com/jmechner/Prince-of-Persia-Apple-II/blob/m... for a good example!

You shouldn't be. Ultra minimalist code using every language feature tends to be difficult to understand and maintain. It's usually written by young coders eager to show how clever they are.

It's the exact opposite. The better code gets quality wise, the easier it gets to read and understand.

There are situations that require using somewhat surprising language features occasionally, but quality code will limit them to small areas, and document the hell out of what's going on there.

The best code, is often the easiest code to understand.

Because god forbid people write code in language he doesn't like.

The Linux Development Community is known for being overly aggressive. Torvalds more than most.

If you say something stupid or do anything wrong, they will hate for for it and call you an idiot.

It's not necessarily a bad thing. I guess it may help prevent lesser programmers from contributing code to the kernal.

When properly done, aggressiveness and cursing at people is way to emphasize things. In the scale of emphasis it falls somewhere below passive aggressive and using all caps.

Here is the example sentence in standard hacker rudeness scale:

0. Please fix this.

1. Fix this now, you moron. <-- Linus

2. I guess, we don't use this until you find way to fix this. Maybe I help with FreeBSD project meanwhile.

3. I need you to fix this NOW.



Heroku next?

There isn't an official add-on yet, but as Kudos pointed out, RethinkDB Cloud has an add-on in beta: https://addons.heroku.com/rethinkdb-cloud

This is not something that could evolve into a Heroko add on. What you're thinking of is something like https://www.rethinkdbcloud.com/

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