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No, Gnome apps(Documents, Music, and rest of crap) are not following siplistic philosophy, they are followitg easinest. There is huge difference between easy and simple.

Gnome alternative for KISS - KIED (keep it easy dumbass)

> not following siplistic philosophy, they are followitg easinest. There is huge difference between easy and simple.

If you typed that on a tablet, which is supposed to be "simpler," oh the irony! (Typing on the iPad gets me like that too.)

Don't know am I too optimistic, but I think that R7RS large will be great success. I hope rest of the community share same enthusiasm. (young lisper)

Hopeful as well. - from another new Schemer

Yes. I've enjoyed playing around with gambit, but the module system is a huge headache, and the documentation is quite sparse. R7RS, I hope, will at least give a better baseline for a newcomer like myself. (For the curious, C integration and speed are necessary for the project. Gambit is great for this.)

I am looking for a Scheme to implement inside an iOS app. I was looking into TinyScheme and Gambit, but was leaning towards TinyScheme due to its size.

Chibi is about the same size, and unlike TinyScheme is a real Scheme with hygienic macros and a fast VM (TinyScheme is hopelessly slow). It also has features like Huffman compressed immediate symbols to further reduce runtime heap usage - the raw image size isn't the whole story.

Can Chibi(R7RS) be used in real world applications ?, and I am curious do you know when can we expect R7RS large spec to be finish.

It depends on what you mean by real world applications, but Chibi has many features including threads, networking and an FFI suitable for any application. R7RS large will have even more libraries. It will be complete when it's completed, but many of the individual libraries will be usable before then.

Thanks for answer, I want to make a simple game in scheme, so I am considering chibi, maybe I need to try somehow to add opengl binding. I know there is other implementations but I want to try chibi (r7rs) :)

I changed too my linux window manager three days ago to stumpwm. It feels and runs great. Try conkeror web browser If you didn't yet, +10% productivity gain.

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