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why use some 3rd party site when you have the official and always up-to-date https://git-scm.com/docs/giteveryday ?

Different data source, but a while ago I made a command to help explain other commands: https://www.mankier.com/blog/explaining-shell-commands-in-th...

I've spent a lot of time finding apps I trust enough to leave my kids mostly unsupervised with. For me it's mostly boiled down to finding trustworthy app publishers, I listed some here a while ago: https://medium.com/@jacksonpauls/apps-for-preschool-kids-304...

I've integrated TLDR content into online man pages if you'd like to see both in one place. For example: https://www.mankier.com/1/grep

Good idea. I just suggested something very similar before seeing your comment. Now all you need to do is write this up as a shell command ;)

Sure, but that's much more work than adding a piece of black tape, which you can also simply remove to revert to the legit number.

Came across an instance of this recently, I think on the FT's website... It took me a while to figure out what was going on with "smar * * * * ches".

okay, I give up. Is it two words?

Think tech.


Not exhaustive, but I've written code that processes 50,000 or so man pages and haven't hit one.

I wonder if "500M" is a silly way of saying all user account details were stolen.


I've been omitting optional tags for a while.

One thing I've noticed is that bing webmaster tools will report "The title is missing in the head section of the page" when there is a title, but no <head>. Maybe bing can't properly crawl pages without a <head>. Another service I've used had the same problem, but can't remember which.

So it might be worth being careful with omitting <head> - and maybe other tags, I'm reconsidering whether it's a good idea.

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