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> It's that I'm looking at / living a shot from a movie in realtime

Sounds really cool! I do that too!


Are you saying there's a blog named Unenumerated that has stuff like this? I can't find it.

This has been happening in Peru, Uganda, Bolivia and Grenada.

> Such an accusation would need to untangle the coordination behavior of the money wormhole to make its case, and those inner workings could be made very convoluted indeed, hidden deep inside complementary pseudorandom behavior.

In such a case, it may be (fscking) helpful for the courts of law to go after the people who _didn't clearly break_ the law in the first place. That way, the shady Machiavellians get caught first and the chumps can be mopped up afterwards. Deep as anythink.

Yes, some autistic people have "childish" beliefs like that.

> Given he lives in England why was he extradited to the US?

This scares me a great deal. Totally bonkers totalitarianism from a rogue state.

The UK is a CCTV surveillance state and part of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance tho so not like it's any better.


> Before his own indictment, Sarao himself lost millions in assets to fraudsters who found him uniquely gullible and easy to cheat, his lawyer said.

The irony is that he had millions in assets in the first place. Lol.

Please unlearn this reading habit. ;)

STFU, noob.

Could you please stop posting unsubstantive comments to Hacker News? You've already done it quite a bit, and we're trying for a different sort of quality level here. The idea is: if you have a substantive point to make, make it thoughtfully; if you don't, please don't comment until you do.


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