Gathering all of the different translations in a structured format can take a lot of time which is what gave me the inspiration to remove that step from anyone wanting to create an application with a more comprehensive set of data.
I really appreciate your in-depth comment and suggestions!
I agree, it was a first pass to make the data available. I have since created a new '/api/natural/' endpoint that allows you to query by translation short name, book number, chapter number, and verse number. I figured having the unique IDs would allow for less cumbersome endpoint URLs `/api/verse/123` instead of having to always drill-down starting with the translation `/api/translation/ASV/book/1/chapter/1/verse/123`.
I'll definitely look into merging the URL pairs. I think that would be really useful.
The upload process was taking a while and the ASV version is now complete. The KJV version is next and then I'll continue down the line of translations!