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While it may not mean jobs for laid off rust belt workers if there were a number of tech workers living in the rust belt they would spend most of their salary in the rust belt which could very well lead to jobs in other sectors in the region.

Hillary guarantee more wars than a man who is openly prejudiced and hostile to both Muslims and Mexicans? As Secretary of State did she not work on building foreign relationships and brokering peace deals? Why would you say her election guarantees war?

She does not have a good track record and is a well known hawk. Many, many people have been killed, injured, and displaced thanks to policies she strongly advocated for in Libya and Syria. As for Trump, no one has any idea what he will do. He is a wild card.

Hillary was involved in Serbia, Iraq, Libya and now Syria. She is more likely to escalate war with Russia, China, Iran or any other possible target.

I dont live in USA, and I do not care about your internal politics, but Hillary would be dissaster for entire world.

Modern wars don't arise from prejudice. They usually arise from the ill-placed desire to help or solve problems.

You know what people with prejudices do? They keep distance.

When a person have a history of using force as a solution ("just apply more") - that's trouble.

Is having and enforcing immigration laws prejudiced and hostile to Mexicans?

If it is prejudiced and hostile at all, then every country is prejudiced and hostile to almost every other country. That includes Mexico to central American countries.

this is an extremely self serving article given that the author sells a tool (for $29/ month no less) that writes the code for you. Wonder why he doesn't like code academy's. There is some truth to the fact that a lot of people don't make it through code academy, but I would take this article with a grain of salt.

What about the power wall for utilities. I haven't heard of any other similar offerings. That seems even more important than the home based ones. Plus open sourcing designs to the gigafactory. Hey Branson want to step up and build one on your side of the pond?

Correct me if I'm wrong but are not hydrogen and helium two of the most abundant elements in the galaxy? If we ever were to let it all float into outer space (if that's even possible) by then couldn't we just harvest it in space? I know that's by no means cost effective with today's technology but we're talking decades before we might actually run out right.

Hydrogen has a high affinity for bonding with other elements. Most notably water (H2O) and in varying ratios, with carbon (hydrocarbons). Both water and hydrocarbons, along with other forms, are heavy enough to not escape from Earth's gravitational pull at a high rate (though some estimates suggest that a large fraction of Earth's original water has been lost to space).

Helium is on of the noble gasses -- they either do not react or react only very reluctantly with other elements.

Combined with helium's low molecular weight, and since gaseous helium is atomic helium, free helium tends to escape into space.

And as Douglas Adams noted: Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the drug store, but that's just peanuts to space.

There's little chance that pure gold could be profitably recovered from space. Let alone helium.

It's funny, regarding the "indies can't be profitable anymore aspect of the article" I read a very similar article 10 years ago entitled, custom web development is dead... then five years ago entitled 3rd part web design is dead, now it's app development. My guess in a couple years we will be reading iOS extension development is dead...

That's just the world we live in. Init? There is no standing still in the IT industry.

Yes let's move towards more coarse grained tests so we can lets the fine grained subtle bugs slip through. You know stuff like heartbleed. Theres a good idea.

To be fair a lot of unit test regimes wouldn't have caught something like heartbleed. Specifically cause it's a security issue and not necessarily a functional issue. But the point is software is damn complex and easy to screw up.

Maybe rather than doing ultimately less test (system instead of unit). We should be slowing down doing even more test at ALL levels (unit, system, GUI, security, performance, whatever) and building something to the best of our abilities. Or does that even matter anymore in the MVP build and sell quick software world?

Thanks for the link.

As for CBS. I don't want your g@$

It seems to me it's just a matter or priority. The line share of US Gov spending is Healthcare (+ medicare / medicare) covert that to a BI + take a bit out of defines and "income protection / veteran benefits" and you wouldn't have to raise taxes at all.

The question is would it be more effective than "specialised" programs, and all the literature I have read seems to say yes (although, it's all based on educated guesses). So switch all the "specialised" programs to BI plus take a bit extra from defense and your there.

What's more important? Total domination of all oceans in the world, or peoples happiness? (Assuming that BI actually works as described in the article)

Wow. Such an awesome article. I really enjoyed reading it.

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