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Agreed, this is my biggest issue with soundcloud is sub par compression that they use which complete distorts the highs. I feel it maybe better if soundcloud does go so thats it replacement will support better codecs.

They imply that providing a firmware update for free is a massive gesture of good will for existing users. When is this not the norm??

The power and top speed upgrade exceeds the original specifications, and we have quadrupled the warranty coverage. This would be similar to your car getting more acceleration, more braking, a higher top speed, and a longer warranty, all remotely and for free.

Firmware update capability should be the norm, and to our knowledge we are the first and only board that can do this.

Just take a PC... Windows is it's firmware and if you want to upgrade it, then you have to pay. (Or, switch to Linux).

Or take some cars which are different models, with different power/torque ratings, but mechanically they are the same - the only difference is made in the MCU software. Or cars with their maximum speed locked and only unlocked after paying a nice sum of money (iirc it was the VW Golf GTI).

Windows is it's firmware

For a PC I'd rather call it the software, or the OS, and call the BIOS it's firmware. Which can usually be updated for free.

A PC with just a BIOS is unusable, though.

A skateboard without wheels is unusable too, and wheels are not firmware either.

A PC with a BIOS can run free operating systems such as Linux. In contrast, I assume this skateboard can only run their own software/firmware.

The difference is a PC is an open and well documented platform that anyone can write software for. This board and other embedded devices typically don't provide the details needed to implement alternative firmwares. That is the difference between windows on a PC and firmware on an embedded device.

Also worth noting that IBM stock price increased by $2Billion after defeating Kasparov. So they have had everything to gain by beating him at whatever cost.

Stock prices going up have nothing to do with the incentives of companies and everything to do with the availability of information.

It'd be like a gumball machine trying to make itself more valuable. Just sell more gumballs at a hirer price.

The incentive of public companies is everything to do with stockprice, as it is the primary metric to rate the performance of a company? What does information availability have anything to do with the value of a company?

The worst case with ZFS and ram corruption is that you can lose your ENTIRE Zpool. As there are no zfs recovery tools available this means your data is as good as gone or a minimum 15k spend to get it re-assembled.

This makes it far more risky to run ZFS with non server grade parts.

It is possible for this to happen with other filesystems too. The only thing is that when it happens with another filesystem, it is not news.

It becomes the news as there are no recovery tools available for ZFS as there are with most other file systems. Meaning that the possibility of losing ALL data due to ram corruption becomes a real threat.

It is worse as ram corruption can cause a loss of the entire zfs pool. there are no zfs recovery tools available, so data recovery can be next to impossible or very expensive.

Most corporate windows file servers (since 2003) use shadow copy, which saves previous versions of files every couple of hours. Any decent IT dept will use folder redirection, which redirects deskop, my documents to the local file server.

Amazon's James Hamilton estimates the north Carolina 171 acre solar array only generates %4 of the energy required for the datacenter


As much as I am interested in the topic. I could only read a few paragraphs, due to being irritated by the cheesy couple picture in the corner.

I get great results from using that lens for portraits. The 20mm lens is really a 40mm due to the x2 cropped sensor in m4/3 cameras.

40mm equiv. is too wide for portraiture. typically you use around an 85mm lens. this would work out to 40-50mm in micro four thirds.

I will also be attending the london VJ meet tonight but am looking forward to meeting you for a few hours.

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