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yeah I agree. This will FINALLY let page owners understand how their content resonates with their fans, rather than the friends of fans (who probably don't care about their posts) the page also reaches through engagements.

bring. this. to. palo. alto.

You don't have to wade through fisherman's wharf to get in-and-out. You have no right to complain.

This page is basically a pass-through to taskrabbit -- nothing stopping you from contracting someone on taskrabbit to get you some In'n'Out in PA.

seems like a no-brainer, interested in seeing where this goes in the next 6mo-1yr

thanks man! glad you found this helpful.

thanks :)

Content is king. I'd try what's out there and see if one works for you. If you have the time, manually curating it is probably your best option-- but this definitely is time consuming.

That could be true, but the problem with that is that they are cannibalizing their previous posts, not allowing them to really reach their true reach or engagement.

Thanks for the comment. Good points all around. In regards to my background, I'm a co-founder at PostRocket. We recently announced our seed funding here: http://techcrunch.com/2012/05/31/postrocket/. Prior to co-founding PostRocket, my team and I worked as social media consultants for big brands and celebrities. If you check out the TechCrunch article, you'll see one of our bigger past clients, Pitbull.

In regard to your point on feedback, I totally agree that is the most powerful thing that you can get from a Facebook page; however, you can't get feedback if your fans don't receive your messages. Multiple case studies have shown that 90-98% of fans never go back to a page after 'liking' it, which means that in order to get this feedback from them, you must conquer EdgeRank. If you have any other feedback I'd love to hear it.

I've noticed that images seem to be by far the most popular on Facebook. A recent one I uploaded for my fan page (http://www.facebook.com/ModernSherlock) got 12,000 'likes' and actually reached over 51% of my audience. That was a bit of a milestone for me. :-)

I've also always stuck to only posting once or twice a day and mostly never in the weekends.

Thanks for commenting and awesome page-- I just liked it and that image. I have to ask though, why have you chosen not to post on weekends?

I took the liberty of thinking that if I'm too busy to Facebook in the weekends, then everyone else is too. (Yeah... I know it doesn't work like that).

Totally understandable. Just to be clear, I suggested 2-3 times per day with at least 4 hours between each post-- or at least 2-3 times per WEEK for those who aren't able to devote too much time to their page. The thing is, even if pages post 2-3 times per day, most fans will probably only see 1 of those updates due to EdgeRank and whether or not that user is online. I've found that 2-3 times per day is optimal to maximize reach and minimize negative feedback (i.e. unlikes). Hope this helps.

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