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To increase your savings and investments focus on making more, not spending less.

Probably not. Investors are a lot more knowledgeable today, and have learnt the lessons of the original dotcom bubble. Also most of the money is going to huge companies building real powerful products, not to me too wannabes.

How long until Elon sues them to remove "safe" from their name? ;)

Yes, this is probably fakes news.

Management: if you see this can you please remove the submission?

The concept of "mentor" is now misunderstood and overrated.

It became a meme in the professional world in recent years, and people don't really understand what it means.

You don't look for a "mentor" the way you would a teacher or coach for hire. No-one who can really help you would be available on that basis. But if you put yourself out there, do cool stuff and share, offer to help with interesting projects (and then deliver) ... you may find that you've developed that kind of relationship with someone.

If that happens, make the most of it. And until it does, don't block your progress on waiting for that "mentor". The internet is full of books, videos, tutorials, forum posts, chat rooms, with so much you can learn and grow from.

In the end, when it comes to your life and career, you need to make your own decisions. Where you get ideas and advice from matters less. If you somehow found yourself with a mentor who helps you accelerate your learning and growth that's cool, but it's still up to you to decide.

This is the best ... no, the only way to do real software with LLMs. Nice comparison, and not surprising, Instructor is in many ways the best and most comprehensive library (not BAML). IMO Instructor is also the lightest and nicest library to use, just a thin layer on top of the API and Pydantic.

I think it depends on what you value as well, like DX. A large portion of our users switch to BAML because they actually "just want to see the damn prompt".

AI is still massively underhyped.

Disregard the occasional atmosphere journalism piece.

Even with only current tech (GPT-4o and less) we still haven't exploited 0.01% of the possibilities to create value. People are still learning how to use it and how to identify and execute on opportunities.

Management, if you see this, can you please kill this post or merge it with https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40201712 ?


Basically just search Twitter for `gpt2-chatbot` to follow the rumour mill, or go to https://chat.lmsys.org/ and choose `gpt2-chatbot` from the dropdown to test it sourself.

Most speculations so far are that this is a preview of the latest model from OpenAI. But there's not much supportive evidence other than it identifies as "based on GPT-4" and seems to be at least as good.

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