Err... if you read the article, he says "one quality", not "the number one". Also, it's worth considering that this is something that has jumped at them only after a number of batches of YC, not something that they started out with, so it is, in some way, based on actual data. They probably already filter out people based on any number of more important criteria.
You should try to build own your video hosting site or SHUT UP. At least Youtube is free, the last time I checked F-Secure was not, so SHUT UP! or build your own :)
I figured the whole "be loyal to yourself" stuff almost in my first job when I was not allowed to rise up the ladder too quick as "more senior people" need to be promoted first. That day I decided my job will always be my plan B. I am happy to report now I run my own , very profitable business and have achieved financial freedom from JOBS and BOSSES
Don't get me wrong but this is the classic example of "following the herd" of current gen startups --- too much focus on pleasing investors, raising money, eventually realizing you've relinquished control == don't feel sense of ownership in the company, straying from the vision or not getting enough traction, founders breaking up and then the ship sinking!