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I think this is the reason why "shorts" , or tiktok style videos work. I think YT shorts does this in a way, where you get a snippet of a long video as a shorts

I wrote a python script to plot a graph of mentioned technologies here, and their counts from the comments. Colab link:- https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1nPP53efew7Vdo1ydyIN...

I did a similar thing, some years ago. Need to updated it https://juansierra.github.io/scrapenstat/

looks great! thanks for sharing

Next up, are LLMs conscious?

which can be most easily hacked by hacking their phones first

I see the point about AI's impact on internet content, but I think it's important to view it in a broader context. AI is just a tool, and its effectiveness is shaped by how users use it. It's not just AI, but the entire internet that's always had a mix of good and bad content. AI actually has the potential to improve access to information and level the field. It's more about refining search algorithms and enhancing oversight rather than dismissing the technology altogether. The internet has always required users and creators to sift through and elevate quality content. AI is just a new aspect of this

I used to hear to Hucci alot back in the day because most of his songs would hover around 60-70 BPM, I'd gather it was having a similar effect.

I use Erik Satie a lot (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pyhBJzuixM). Also ASMR videos of mechanical keyboards (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zq5blZL1P4). Wonder what a light with some randomness would do.

You could hook up some physiological monitors and try all kinds of light patterns.

Maybe they didn't feed it enough linguistical data for japanese, but they surely did for code.

The thing that annoys me is that you can ask it to do something specific but it does what it wants.

For example I had a massive sql query that was loads of statements unioned together, I said “for each statement remove this filter and add this filter” and it would go “certainly, here are the first four, I have used an example table name feel free to change it” then I’d say “can you do it for all the statements, not just the first four” and it would say “of course here you go” and just give me the first four but also makes them useless by changing the table name!

I’ve got great hopes that one day I can get it to help me shape the code in a way that the jetbrains ide’s can’t today - for those I have to choose from a set of available operations - I want to talk to it and get it to change the code in a set of operations that I choose!

One day maybe :)

Perhaps, but I wouldn't mind if the models just answered "I'm sorry but I don't have an answer to your question at the time". In fact I think that would be a great answer that would increase the amount of trust I have in ChatGPT.

Instead the model decides to make stuff up and pretend that it knows. That's vastly worse.

It reminds me of the early days of DuckDuckGo, when if you searched for something obscure with no matches online it would still fuzzy match some garbage like a binary blob in a Chinese PDF while Google helpfully would just tell you that it couldn't find anything.

> Instead the model decides to make stuff up and pretend that it knows. That's vastly worse.

Does the model know it doesn’t know though? Does “know” even make sense as a concept here? I don’t know if it can really introspect like that, but of course it would be so much better if it could can have some sort of confidence score with each answer.

This could just be a side-project by some guy working in a tech company with a 'no inventions/IP clause' in his contract. People prefer to stay anonymous in such cases, and launch silently, as to not pull attention from their main org. Not everybody can be a twitter-tech bro announcing his creations on ProductHunt and not get in trouble for it.

What I need is an e-paper laptop

Its too bad eink tech is not quite good enough yet. Maybe something like this would be nice : https://www.theverge.com/2023/1/5/23541379/lenovo-thinkbook-...

Very cool app man!

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