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That's a litte hyperbolic, this is the first I have seen of something like that on Kickstarter.

Not at all. I withheld this reaction N times before finally posting it. The project mentioned in an earlier comment (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1397300529/railsapp) is another example. I'm talking about programming projects in general (tutorials, new apps, libraries, toolchains) and not specifically how-to tutorials. Why participate in open-source if you can try to get real money for it on Kickstarter?

With all due respect, the idea that open source projects are always the result of free, volunteer work is a bit of a sheltered and idealistic view.

Open source projects with the most tractions are either sponsored, or someone is writing open source code as part of a job they're paid for. (a few examples: Rails, node.js, Linux, Vagrant ....)

For projects where that's not an option, crowdfunding is a good alternative.

Most "involved" in open source are consumers. Crowdfunding allows for involvement and support at a different level, and is totally consistent with the open source ethos. Open source is about freedom, not money.

So little content, so much fanboy-ism.

Done! Well, I hope it's done - I haven't made a chrome extension before. Let me know if it breaks... https://github.com/Ilink/tabIndent.js Cloned the project, should be available in the "extension/chrome" directory.

Very nice, it would be great if stackoverflow used this.

GLSL isn't exactly beautiful all the time...

Agreed! I had no idea how many bad ones there were until I needed one for a project.

And yet you keep us in suspense...

I personally avoid any listing which labels developers as such.

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