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There's an add-on that can disable the all-caps menus. http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/c6d1c265-7007-...

Performance for this kind of particle effect will be even better once Webgl2 is widely available. Transform feedback (or other hacks) let you manipulate the particle positions on the videocard itself. There's a great article about them here: http://prideout.net/blog/?p=67

My coworker showed me this, great library!

I was just thinking about how useful something like this would be. Thanks for reading my mind! And now to see if I can get it to work under cygwin.


There were other services before twitch. Before it was shut down, Own3d tv provided a decent income for a few streamers.

The thing with Own3d was that for the most part its streaming service simply did not match that of Twitch. The layout and mobile support was a bit better (streams that used Own3d were far more convenient to access since they played from the browser), but the quality was lacking. Twitch, on the other hand, has focused on what matters: the stream quality. Now that there layout has been updated, they would have smoked own3d even more IMO.

Many streamers moved from Own3D to Twitch because Own3D was not making good on owed payments. Twitch needs competition to force it to improve its ToS, but it's been good for gaming.

Pretty sure you missed the point of the /comedy/...

Well I did laugh so I can't have missed by that much :)

The first thing I thought of was how oxymoronic the title was. Spot on.

I was thinking it looks like assembling IKEA furniture in space.

My thoughts exactly. The whole "Step one: learn to code!" part made me laugh.

That was step two.

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