* Platform to organize internal hackathons: https://hackathon.camp
* Tool to create glossaries within your corporations and have them everywhere in the browser with a tooltip: https://tooltipr.com
- https://caseconverter.pro/app - was more experimentation than anything else, paste a JSON and get converted keys
- https://getworkrecognized.com - Could never reach market-fit with that. Wanted to really focus on the employee sides with brag documents but no employee will ever pay by themselves for such a tool
- http://linkedium.com - was a LinkedIn Scheduling tool, was just annoyed at some point with that. Might spin it up again this year. So never launched
Might put them up for sell somewhere. Maybe someone is interested to grow these or find product-market fit. But focusing on some other ideas I have right now.
What I learnt: I am really bad at Marketing and Sales and have a lot to learn there. Will focus on other target customers and trying to niche down with the projects I am working on right now and want to work on soon. Maybe finding someone who is good at it and partnering up might be something to look into.
Also, SEO and content is working to generate traffic. If you can convert the traffic it is a goldmine. The Google Search Console for getworkrecognized looks promising honestly.
Using it at my current company and it’s great. Especially the little things like the ship it reaction! Super hilarious when I saw it for the first time. Thanks for that.
Some constructive feedback: could not get my webcam (canon eos utility) working. But tbh nothing big because we never use Webcams.
My name is Kevin and I am the founder of getworkrecognized.
I started getworkrecognized during the time I was working at Klarna, one of the biggest fintech companies in Europe. We had a promotion cycle that was scheduled twice per year and for that, we always needed to write the following documents:
- A self-review of your own achievements
- A review of every other colleague you have worked with for a longer time (360° reviews)
I struggled most often with the self-review, questioning what I worked on the past 6 months and how it could be quantified. That's when I decided to track my work. I tried note-taking apps but was not convinced, especially because Klarna worked a lot around their Leadership Principles. Leadership principles are simple behavioral skills that you should follow when working at one of the companies having them at their core. You can find an overview of many companies offering these "guides" here: https://getworkrecognized.com/tools/career-ladders-explorer
I have used this tool for around 2 years now, and it got me promoted twice in the time I have been at Klarna. The brag document or self-review concept seems to be working and can give you the small extra step to convince your manager to get promoted. So feel free to give it a try. There is a free trial, but feel free to reach out to me if you want to have a lifetime subscription.
- tawk.to
- render.com
- No Payments implemented but will use Stripe
- Namecheap
- Google Analytics + Google Search Console (Search console is really good)
Hey was kind of in the same position. Started at a smaller startup in my city and then changed to Klarna (bigger corp) and now just started at Stripe. But in the 3 years at Klarna I incrementally did market myself more and more.
So when I first started the documentation was really bad, new services where created out of nowhere and nothing was documented. Why we did things and what not. So the first thing I did was creating/participating in technical design documents, or product decision docs, to actually validate data. If you contribute there, your team will recognize you more and more. Its kind of "passive" marketing within the team with few touchpoints to other teams when integrating APIs. Other engineers will see you on the docs and discussion which will make them remember you.
In most big corporations, promotion processes or people who drive the company will be in other teams. The managers and or tech leads of the whole domain or subgroup. To impress them you have to build and achieve things they will recognize. For me, in Klarna, the platform to do this was a monorepo where improvements had to be made to developer experience, build systems and so on. Most bigger corps have separate teams dedicated to that but improving documentation here and there always helps already.
I also got into blogging and driving open source at the company. Organized a hackathon and did many other mundane admin stuff, but coolest thing was that i got into an all hands regarding the hackathon, so actually everyone was seeing me. Reach out for these opportunities because i am sure your company will have these as well and the people are happy to get a helping hand, for sure.
Otherwise as other people mentioned I also kept a brag document, that helped me to collect all achievements and present them to my manager in case of questions about work progress or promotions: https://getworkrecognized.com/blog/junior-to-senior-software...
But overall lesson: Share your achievements like in newsletters of the team/blogs/hackathons/all-hands/group meetings/office hours and be involved in many groups so you can network and get to know people.
Guess it works with having a base image and just rebuilding it with the code that should be run. Code is passed via an api call from frontend to backend. This should make sure not the whole environment is rebuilt again because of the docker cache but only the code which has been submitted.
How the docker thing actually works is just my guess btw.
I have used duolingo for like 6-12 months of learning Spanish and it helped me so much. I was in Mexico and could understand a bit what they were talking about on radio and just making connections with people because you could speak a bit of their language was great! And I think that's where duolingo shines.
They do not want you to learn a language completely/perfectly but it's kind of a bootcamp for languages. And their way of learning is helping so many people. The streaks are probably the drug most people need to continue or grinding a topic. It really helps a lot of people because in general since the main population sucks at consistency. On top of that, their branding is also top notch with duo, and their user experience overall is just the best. Happy to see them IPOing soon.
What happens if a document does not deliver the data and too many things are unclear? Like too many questions appear and the while meeting is becoming unproductive?
Typically you get that feedback, in a very clear and positive way. I've never felt like someone was putting me down when my doc was not answering the questions.
The goal of a doc is not to show how smart you are. The goal is to expose the truth as "We" know it and expose it to critical feedback to dig deeper, or decide we have enough to make a decision.