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Victim blaming needs to stop.

After 8 days of downtime, most people get desperate and look for all avenues for support.

After 8 hours of downtime, I have already been back up some other place, some other way, in some other fashion, for 6 hours already.

There is no excusable way to explain being down for 8 days no matter WHAT any service provider does. How do you even explain the 2nd day let alone the 8th! Holy cow.

I'm not blaming the victim. I am telling the OP this is hacker news, and not a support forum.

This is effectively a support forum, because you get visibility and issues do bubble up higher than the standard support queue. The system is what it does.

Congrats on launch! Brilliant.

Apple Intelligence = AI

Figgin’ brilliant.

I’m equally for and against this.

I don’t think a product like this would be needed if the interview requirements haven’t been getting out of control for the last 10 years. We’ve all read the posts about how interviews are being done these days.

If companies don’t want products like these then let’s tame the interview process.

There are probably as many companies or more that do interviews in a fair and logical way vs. the ones that don’t. However, everyone goes into them these days fearing the worst.

You're absolutely right, the traditional interview process, especially in tech, often fails to accurately assess the skills and qualities that matter most for success in a role. Many interviews focus heavily on rote memorization of algorithms, data structures, and obscure technical details that are rarely used in day-to-day work. This can advantage those who are good at cramming for tests but doesn't necessarily reflect real-world problem-solving abilities.

You make a good point, but that’s not what they are referencing. To-go places are asking for a tip on the payment terminal.

The new trend in the US is to ask for a tip on the payment terminal before you can enter your card for payment. Starbucks does this and it’s tricky in the drive through when you’re trying to be quick. Trying to figure out how not to add a tip takes time so you just select one of the three tip amounts on the screen to complete the transaction. Other places are doing this too.

Weirdly the solution for Starbucks here is to use their app’s barcode for payment; then tipping is buried. As much as I enjoy Starbucks, it’s such a commodity that it seems odd to tip for. They aren’t really bringing anything to you or cleaning up after you.

They do have well designed clean bathrooms and buying a couple of cups of coffee you can work all day on a laptop. Much cheaper than an office without commitment although many distractions.

Is it me or does Starbucks coffee taste burnt? I prefer 711 on taste every time. They need to fix that

Which Starbucks have you been to? All the ones I go to have gross bathrooms topped with whatever heavy chemical smell they use to etch the sins off the bathroom floor with.

I totally hear you on the taste, it comes off as smoky to me. The blond roast espresso is more mild on that.

The Palo Alto Starbucks bathrooms are pretty nice

I pay cash, avoids the terminal entirely.

I remember something about the manual door latch being behind a speaker like cover in early Tesla models?

Also, in the last year or so, I remember if you use the manual latch, it will crack the window?

> I remember something about the manual door latch being behind a speaker like cover in early Tesla models?

Was curious and did some searching, AFAICT it looks like someone on the front-seat is often OK, but if you're in the back seat you may be in trouble.

Model S involves a cable behind your ankles:


The Model X involves removing a speaker grille and pulling a cable down and towards the front of the car:


In the Model 3 you have to know to pry up a piece of molding in a lower pocket of the door before manipulating a cable:


Model Y is like 3 except some of them do not have a manual release for rear-passengers, and those that do involve another step to pull up a mat from the bottom of the door-pocket:


I was t-boned in a new model s (with yoke) and there wasn't any release like the manual said. Dunno if the carpet was just covering it and someone skipped that step but even the folks at the shop couldn't figure how to open them. Same goes with releasing the rear seats forward, if you don't have power they wont go down and of course the emergency escape latch in the trunk is basically impossible to get to unless you're already in the trunk area.

Sort of off-topic. What is a recommended way to sell access to a one-off data API? Low code method to control access and facilitate payment?

As in, selling API keys? Not sure what you're asking for. Are you looking for a webshop that has API key sales as a default item type or something?

Yes, more like a SaaS. Maybe a solution that is tailored to selling API access. Generates a unique URL to the user, or API key, after they sign up for the API service.

These types of downvotes also discourage discussions. I’ll upvote a comment when it has been downvoted if it has a constructive discussion thread.

Does HTTPS also hide the URL request in most logging systems? You can always see the domain (api.example.com) but you cannot see the URL? The benefit being it hides an API key if included in the URL?

The benefit is that it:

1. hides any private information anywhere in the request, URL or otherwise, API key or otherwise. Maybe you're fine if someone knows you used Bing (revealed through DNS lookups), but not what query you entered (encrypted to be decryptable only by Bing servers). An API key is obviously secret but something as oft-innocuous as search queries can also be private.

2. disallows someone on the network path from injecting extra content into the page. This can be an ISP inserting ads or tracking (mobile carriers have been playing with extra HTTP headers containing an identifier for you for advertising reasons iirc) or a local Machine-in-the-Middle attack where someone is trying to attack another website you've visited that used https.

Yes, it hides the URL, although sadly not the domain.

It hides the domain too, in the literal HTTP request.

What it doesn't hide is the DNS lookup for that domain. You still have to translate a hostname into an IP address.

This might be a concern for certain uses. But at least it's on another port and protocol and not directly related to the HTTP request itself.

No, HTTPS has the domain in plaintext. There is a plan to fix this (Encrypted Client Hello), but AFAIK it's not widely used yet.

Ah yes, apologies. Again, it's not strictly part of the HTTP request, but part of the TLS handshake around it. And only part of the TLS handshake as part of SNI, if supported (which is true by default).

> "Server Name Indication payload is not encrypted, thus the hostname of the server the client tries to connect to is visible to a passive eavesdropper."


So you're right, this is more aligned to the HTTP request than the DNS resolution of hostname that I mentioned. Strictly speaking, it's not part of HTTP per se (it's part of TLS), but still, it's in the same request in the most common definition, as you are saying.

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