Immediately after the book won the Pulitzer in 1981, Gottlieb could not recall Toole or the manuscript. In his 2016 memoir, Gottlieb wrote that, after returning to A Confederacy of Dunces decades later, he felt the same about its flaws.
I suddenly remembered why, having previously found this channel, which is full of great information, I can't stand to watch the videos - the innocuous background music! Anyone else have this problem... where you're perhaps overly sensitive to music, especially non-fiction videos and podcasts? I find the background music unbearable.
I don't know much about codecs, but why isn't the music separated its own audio track so one can turn it on/off themselves in the browser? I'm guessing the current codecs being used doesn't support it, but couldn't/shouldn't it?
Anything that Google does apart from make money selling ads and turning the internet into an ad cesspool functions as a smoke screen to fool the public (and their employees) into thinking they do anything of real value or that serves the community. All of it serves as a (relatively) inexpensive marketing tool.
Thank you for the recommendation. I plan to enable geo-filtering via the map. I'll need to figure out what is the best granularity to do so at—maybe county. I might be able to give an option for the granularity too.
...What I usually hear from “CGM users without diabetes” is along the lines of ‘it helps you to understand your metabolism and make changes to your diet and lifestyle’. This is a compelling narrative, but I have a couple of problems with it: First the premise that CGM outside of diabetes can show you something to fix is at best flawed and at worst an invention designed to move product.
Having only discovered Aphantasia in my 6th decade on the planet, it's safe to say that you can't miss what you never had. That said, in a FB forum that discusses Aphantasia, a few people who previously had the ability to 'see memories', were devastated by the (stroke) loss of it.
Upon describing my situation, one friend immediately asked incredulously, "How do you jerk off?"
I'm intrigued with the article. That a "Mind's Eye" could be developed is an exciting possibility.
BTW, This is a tight, short, Hank Green video that I send to folks who have no idea what I'm talking about.
I take the heals of my palms and apply gentle pressure, just long enough to create phonemes. So, not rubbing. (Not that this too might not be a good idea to do too often).
Really, this is disgraceful and it's unacceptable that Apple hasn't come up with a work around...
Just as millions of iPhones and iPads have been scrapped due to Activation lock, we are now seeing 2018+ MacBooks scrapped at recyclers as well, due to the "feature" being enabled on those devices.
- If you can provide proof of legal purchase (the receipt must include the serial number etc), you may be able to get it unlocked at
- There were a few cases of the owner dying and their relatives being unable to unlock their devices. Starting in iOS 15.2 and macOS 12.1, the owner can designate a Legacy Contact who can access their iCloud data and unlock their devices if they die: So Apple did make progress in "working around" this problem for legitimate cases.
- If you bought it second-hand... then it's good thing there is no workaround, because preventing resale of stolen devices is the whole point. Return it to the seller and demand your money back.
FYI, A very simple awareness hack is resting your reading glasses farther down your nose, so that you're forced to have your head sit higher/straighter when looking at your screen.
A Random Movie Maker that looks at my 4 TB collection of personal history... digitized journals, email, photos, digitized cassettes, phone messages, and home videos, and creates a random 15 minute movie. Each video will include about 50 clip sources. It's a crazy trip down memory lane.