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Thc is found to increase deep sleep and reduce rem, which isn't ideal but significantly better than RX drugs like ambien and benzos.

The timing on this announcement sure is interesting considering what you mentioned that china just accomplished.

So tech folks came in looking to get rich quick, creating huge wealth disparities which helped fuel the homeless problem and the associated social issues, but now that they can all work from home and is complaining that SF is now "a dump" they all picked up and left. Sounds about right.

How do wealth disparities contribute to the homeless problem? Is your theory that the homeless in San Fransisco are primarily displaced residents who previously were paying for local housing?

Are you seriously asking how expanding wealth disparity contributes to homelessness?

Does rent increasing across the entirety of the bay area (which increasingly only techies can afford) not contribute to poorer people getting kicked out and become homeless?

Are you seriously saying that new consumers have control over the production of housing supply?

This comment is so stupid I'm kind of amazed.

Don't get so defensive techbro. Remember, if you don't like it here anymore just move away.

Then you can do what the other techbros do on this board, boast about their new five acre forest house and shiny new Tesla, then post pics from their window showing off the view.

The two of you both broke the site guidelines badly in this thread. Please avoid nasty comments, tit-for-tat spats, and flamewars generally when posting here. We're trying for something quite different on this site, and the path to deterioration is all too easy.


Edit: I'm dismayed to see that you've been making a habit of posting like this. That's seriously not cool! If you keep it up we're going to have to ban you. I don't want to ban you, so would you please take the guidelines and the intended spirit of the site to heart? We want thoughtful, curious conversation here, and that can only exist when people respect each other.

Nice ad hominem attack and ignoring my statement.

I’ll humor you. I own neither a Tesla nor a house. I rent. I’ve lived in sf going on almost 22 years.

Where did I say I didn’t like living here?

The two of you both broke the site guidelines badly in this thread. Please avoid nasty comments, tit-for-tat spats, and flamewars generally when posting here. We're trying for something quite different on this site, and the path to deterioration is all too easy.


Understood. Will avoid similar idiotic behavior in the future.

Thanks for the warning.


So people came in looking to get rich quick, killed all the indians by scalping them and from disease, the largest land migration in world history..... (1840s). Sounds about right.


The point is everyone has been coming to sf to get rich quick throughout its history genius.

Yeah instead of taking any responsibility for being a bunch of getrichquick assholes let's just say "oh it's always been like this" and keep trucking along. Nice job genius.

I'm actively working to increase housing supply in the Bay Area. What are you doing? Making stupid comments on HN?

If that's really the case then great job. Props to you.

Maybe you sniveling techies can all move to New Zealand like Jeff bezos and peter thiel and the rest of those assholes.

Go buy a fucking hobbit hovel and stay there.

My Chinese friends who live in multiple different cities are all telling me the pandemic is pretty much over where they are located. Businesses are basically back to normal. Even mask wearing is not as widespread as it used to be out in the open (still required in most indoor spaces). I guess they must all be CCP stooges and are lying to me.

People thinks the CCP is some omnipotent organization and can suppress any and all information. If that's the case, then how do we even know about the Uyghur detention camps?

Because HN, in general, hates China with a passion. Please self-censor and refrain from saying anything positive about China in the future or you will be down-voted to oblivion.

Your idiotic down-votes are just proving my point. Keep them coming.

HN aka dipshits who think they're smarter than reddit users.

Instead of yapping about how you "deactivated your Facebook account"; maybe you should do some inner reflection on how your work directly contributes to potentially making the world a worse place to live.

I mean, this is HN after all, where the majority of users work in tech.

All these kinds of posts, in addition to recent stories of techies' in-fighting (parents vs. single techies, want the same bay area pay for moving to the Midwest, etc. etc.), really has gradually opened my eyes to what SV is all about.

The irony of this story being posted to HN, where the majority of users are in professions likely contributing to the worsening of internet and social media addiction.

Read the comments and it's a bunch of folks making fun of the author for "opting in". What a surprise there.

I don’t think it is irony to want to reexamine the work your industry has done with a critical eye.

Learning from your mistakes is not irony.

I could post the definition of irony here but I'll likely get down-voted to hell and back for "snark" or some such, but I'm pretty sure this situation being ironic and/or as a way to "learn from your mistakes" is not mutually exclusive.

I guess it depends on where you find the irony... I think I have a pretty good understanding of what irony is, so maybe you can just explain where you see it in the situation you describe?

I'm pretty sure my first comment describes where I find the irony.

Every couple of decades we need a new boogeyman to fight against. Right now it's China. Every one of their companies is "controlled by the CCP" hence a CCP stooge. Clearly we must destroy these companies by any means necessary, that or outright take them over.

I've read somewhere that they can force the ISPs to ban wechat traffic? I'm not in IT so is this just complete hogwash?

They really can’t. They would need some kind of firewall to do it, and ISPs simply aren’t setup for that. They can’t even ban child porn sites effectively (instead the police must rely on catching viewers of such and shutting down sites physically if possible).

Indian government frequently does this, so technically it's possible even with multiple ISPs in a big country.

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