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Why shouldn’t they when France is attacking them?

Where and when did France attack russia?

1812. It didn’t go particularly well.

Both healthcare and education are free in Russia. Healthcare needs improving but education is second to none. Globally.

And when you say that you include Italy and many other European countries that do the same. Correct?

Consider that for the small convenience of using the same currency and health service of other countries those very fee times that you travel, your country has given up sovereignty. It seems like the capricious desires of cheap-flight digital nomads have been traded for something as fundamental as sovereignty.

Too bad nobody is almost left to throw those bombs. Your boys are all dead or drowned in a river. But hey, freedom and democracy Yankees ;)

To the contrary, historical facts show that NATO is the bully and the Russian people are simply defending themselves.

That sounds so ridiculous that I feel embarrassed for you that you could say something so nonsensical.

In your dream maybe

But not if you look at this from the liberal ideology perspective. They are building the foundation to have Japanese people accept immigration. So, this sort of propaganda must be repeated as nauseum.

Before I read the article I knew Chinese people were involved. It’s always the same story. Cultures. Oh dear.

Are these products targeted at people of color? Because both here and Apple always display people of color using them.

Do you think it’s more difficult for people to identify with and connect to media lacking people of their own race? Interesting idea.

All identity politics, a sickness that has incurred an incredible debt that is beginning to come due.

People of color are the majority of the world population, and you are just a poor racist.

What are the percentages?

You do realize China and India make up a good chunk of the world population and are undoubtedly not white, right? Almost 50% in Central and Eastern Asia on its own.

It’s not like there isn’t a Wikipedia article you could peruse, but basic logic should get you there on its own.


East Asian isn’t always considered person of color

> the people from East Asia, which consists of China, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Seriously? At best, you can maybe if you squint consider Mongols to be white. But the vast majority of the population in East Asia alone is going to be coming from China so it’s a moot point.

For all intents and purposes, East Asia is considered to be people of color.

The concept "People of Color" is annoyingly and absurdly racist.

Chinese people are different from all the different black people from Africa (yeah, they are not all the same, and there is a lot of different ethnic groups with vastly different phenotypes in sub-saharan Africa), that are different from semites, that are different from slavs, that are different from Ashkenazi jews, that are different from north African berberes, that are different from Bedouhins, and yet you fucking liberals decided to put us all in the same bucket: "People of Color".

We don't fucking care about your sick and stupid infantile politics. Stop imposing your craziness onto the rest of the world.

Not unless they decide to come and see them. Nobody shouts in their ears.

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