Overall it seems that the best way is to use some provider like Proton or use PGP locally.
Everything else seems to be insecure. And if not know than with a press release in near/future time saying that country X or Y is making it like other countries did already.
Today I found out, that at least one of the founders and people behind excellent Migadu.com Service also introduced Gmailify.com as a service.
Actually the service Gmailify.com sounds also really nice.
But what I don't understand is, that the people behind Migadu also create a service like Gmailify.
Migadu has a clear statement against Gmail and other big players in email-industry.
They do also publish a separate site showing the points against Google and Gmail: 'The Case Against Gmail': https://www.migadu.com/blog/gmail/
Is it only me, who doesn't understand how this can be the statements of the same people, or is it all about the money at all?
I like Migadu - I like their approach and statements and really like to be their customer (also because of these statements).
What is your opinion on this, or do you think i'm exaggerating and shouldn't be so petty?
And no - of course not. I'm really just interested in that point as I know Migadu for many years now and i can't understand how you can be so against Google (Gmail) on the one hand and then launch a product on the market that works more or less directly with Google or is based on it.
Or am I fundamentally misunderstanding something here? Hence my question here.
First time hearing any of that. but if they can make a quick buck on gmail's huge machine exhaust fumes, why shouldn't them?
it's not like they are increasing gmail's brand awareness, the domains won't be at gmail. they will just abuse their cost covering to mine your content, which is already a lost battle from your other link
Thanks for your feedback.
Yes. You're right.
But on the one hand saying that Google is evil and on the other hand making a product which is based on Google?!
It's evident that there's a contradiction. Migadu is conspicuously absent from Gmailify.com, raising questions about transparency and credibility. Addressing this omission could enhance their reputation.
Appreciate your feedback. That's a part of that, what I was thinking about. Isn't it kind of shady behaviour? Don't get me wrong. I do really like Migadu. But that's really weird?!
So sad to see, that it's only available for new customers.