Thanks for mentioning! I would love more submissions! I have a few stories in my backlog to read and vet, but not enough. I'll be going through this thread and adding more that haven't been added yet.
Hey thanks for linking my site! I was wondering where the extra traffic was coming from :)
If anyone has any stories that I should add, please send them my way!
Also, I have been slacking a little with the newsletter because of life events. Since there have been several sign ups since this post, I'll be more active in getting the weekly newsletter out.
That's terrific. I was worried that it was going to end at the terse OP, but the follow-up post has just the kind of play-by-play details that I can't get enough of in debugging stories.
Hey I'm enjoying your site! It would be cool if there was a way to just get the stories. For example, Twitter is no longer capable of loading tweet replies on my machine for whatever hilarious reason, and so I could only read the teaser for the Twitter link.
Anyway, I understand that's probably not the kind of site you had in mind. Thanks for the cool site!
Thanks for the suggestion! Maybe I should add archive links from The Internet Archive for stories in case links die. In the case of tweets, I’d probably need to screenshot them or something.
I don’t believe this to be true in the vast majority of tasks in which AI will be deployed. These tasks typically have boolean outcomes. A more sophisticated model isn’t better than a less sophisticated one that does the job.
And most AI is not and will not be the headline grabbing things we see today.
Awesome! I'm digging this. I also like how the features are tiered. You might want to make a chart showing what features are under what tier, but it's not overly confusing.
I'm super on the fence about my pricing page, to be honest. Would you rather have just a standard three-tier Personal / Startup / Enterprise plan (3 choices), instead of granular control that confronts you with a $numberOfFeatures choices?