I like this and it’s immediately usable. May I ask you to make it so that I can reorder the boxes. Also could I have an option to have shorter boxes so that I can view 4 time zones without the need to scroll on a mobile screen?
Essentially the main problem is that a lot of people want to try (even if they mostly fail) to monetize everything--and I assume a lot of people here aren't innocent of that.
Sounds like the real problem is that the consumer is not very good at communicating their wants, leaving people to guess at what they might be interested in.
And I'm almost certainly not going to read an unedited transcript of an hour-long interview. Interviews are good but they take a fair bit of editing to be really readable in print.
With my browser full-screened and set at 133% zoom for the sake of my eyes, literally 100% of the screen real estate is either ad content (the largest section of which appears to be trying to load a broken image or video, so it's just a huge black rectangle with a tiny missing-image icon in the center) or the navbar, header banner and section header. I can't see any of the actual article without scrolling down.