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I disagree about Mozilla's future.

What does it matter if Andreas is technically competent when he has to manage activists rather than programmers?!

There are people working at Mozilla today, many of whom are pulling in a decent salary, who believe they are working for social justice charity rather than a technology non-profit.

Firefox is the golden goose but they might eventually bankrupt themselves by spending resources on non-core missions, like the GNOME foundation who had to whip out the begging bowl because they spent all their money on a women's outreach program rather than developing technology.

Can you point to an example of a person working for the Mozilla Corporation who believes they're working for a social justice charity?

Employees tweeting they want Brendan Eich to resign because his donation to Prop 8 is not in line with Mozilla's mission.

The mission to build a free and open web has nothing to do with social issues such as gay marriage.

Can you point to a Mozilla Corporation (not to be confused with Mozilla Foundation) employee who tweeted something like that?

Are you just as frustrated with Tim Cook for telling global warming deniers that he doesn't want their money?

Life is just so unfair, isn't it?

Is this the Don Hopkins who invented pie menus?

Yes, and are you the Gyro who groomed Gregor? And wrote an interactive C compiler for Lisp machines? ;)

The same :-)

Are you also the Don Hopkins being abusive and trolling on the comment threads of Gerv Markham's blog [1]?

[1] http://blog.gerv.net/2014/04/your-ire-is-misdirected/

Is Gerv Markham the person who ironically claims to be "Hacking for Christ [1]", a religious leader who preached love and acceptance instead of hatred and discrimination [2]?

The same Gerv who posted an anti-gay-marriage petition to his blog [3] that was syndicated to the public Planet Mozilla forum, publicly calling on Mozilla community members to support the Coalition for Marriage [4], a homophobic hate group [5] that endorsed the legal codification of marriage in the UK as "the voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others," [6] by distributing misleading gay marriage leaflets [7]?

The same Gerv whose bigoted post to Mozilla's public forum ignited a controversy about what kinds of content Mozilla tolerates on its Web properties, and triggered an internal discussion examining the nature and desirability of community standards for inclusion [8], which set the stage for the reaction to the revelation of Brendan Eich's $1000 donation in support of Proposition 8 [9], which eventually led to his ignoble resignation as CEO of Mozilla [10], and earned him the humiliating endorsement of support and call to arms from Eric Raymond, who threw down the gauntlet by proclaiming:

"Then I think it is now the duty of every friend of free speech and every enemy of political bullying to pledge not only to donate $1000 to the next anti-gay-marriage initiative to come along, but to say publicly that they have done so as a protest against bullying." [11]

Do you have any problem with giving bullies a taste of their own medicine, by exercising free speech, just like they enjoy?

And in what way were my posts abusive, or not factual, or not backed up by references and citation to prove my points?

I'd certainly characterize many of the responses from anti-gay-marriage bigots as abusive, Godwinesque trolling, inaccurate and completely unsupported by any facts or citations:

"Hey Don: What’s it like being so far up your own ass? John", "See, this is the idiotic propaganda which you people vomit all over the net. What frigging ‘rights’ are you talking about?", "The letter Mozilla should have written. http://t.co/jn2dNNltQY", "The irony of the current situation is the same people who cry because they are “discriminated minority” think and act like Nazis and they aggressively suppress any dissident.", "The gaystapo controls mozilla, it calls the shots. You are now working for this ugly and inhumane movement.", "The character assassination started with employees of Mozilla Foundation. Mozilla should have acted quickly and fired them. Will they still be employed?", "Are you a professional activist? Because, judging by the propagandist bull you sprout here, you sure sound like one. Eich was not ‘campaigning’ to remove any rights, he donated some money to a campaign to abolish special rights.", "Funny how gays demand tolerance from others, yet have no tolerance with those who disagree with their way of life. And pathetic Mozilla fell for it.", "We simply cannot have a civil society when the hyper sensitive and the perpetually aggrieved are allowed their way.", "I hope Mozilla goes bankrupt. I myself already convinced 150 people to stop using Mozilla on all their devices. ... With a bit of luck, I will have convinced at least 2000 people by the end of this year to stop using Mozilla. Maybe more.", "You on the other hand are way out of line and I think your pursuit of Brendan amounts to a hate crime." [12]

So, strafer32, if you think I was being abusive or unreasonable, especially compared to those other people I quoted, you must be nursing quite a persecution complex. Are you the same person who accused me of a hate crime? Since you created your account just two hours ago [13], and since you know my real name, would you please care to share your real name with us? Or are you afraid to stand up for your own beliefs for some reason?

[1] http://geekz.co.uk/lovesraymond/archive/hacking-for-christ

[2] http://www.wouldjesusdiscriminate.org/biblical_evidence/gay_...

[3] http://blog.gerv.net/2012/03/coalition-for-marriage-petition...

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coalition_for_Marriage

[5] http://nomaniacs.wordpress.com/2013/03/28/uk-mps-violent-hat...

[6] http://tim.dreamwidth.org/1761874.html

[7] http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/01/30/coalition-for-mar...

[8] http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.governance/

[9] http://projects.latimes.com/prop8/donation/8930/

[10] https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2014/04/03/brendan-eich-steps-...

[11] http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=5651

[12] http://blog.gerv.net/2014/04/your-ire-is-misdirected/

[13] https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=strafer32

Please don't do this here.

You ask in what way are your comments abusive. I believe you to be trolling because of your style of argument. You say things like [1]:

"Gert (and his supporters), do you also hate women, blacks and jews as much as you hate gays, and do you agree with Brendan Eich’s support of Patrick J. Buchanan and Ron Paul?"

In that entire comment you bring up unrelated issues involving US politicians as if trying to direct supporters of Mozilla and Brendan of being supporters of that view. People discussing with you then have to address points like that or be seen as supporting it. It's a classic trolling technique to do this.

I also find statements like the following abusive [2]:

"Apparently the people who warned me that you had such a thick skull that no outside information could get through and affect your thought processes were correct, and that makes me sad, because I had more faith in you."

In that comment you bring up the Mormon religion which I have no idea what that has to do with Mozilla or the Brendan Eich saga. Again, classic troll misdirection.

[1] http://blog.gerv.net/2014/04/your-ire-is-misdirected/#commen... [2] http://blog.gerv.net/2014/04/your-ire-is-misdirected/#commen...

How far do you take it?

Don't invest in Apple stock if you're against abortion?

Don't invest in Apple stock if you're against software patents?

Don't invest in Apple stock if you're a member of a socialist party?

If you think what Tim Cook did was right, then you don't understand what a free market is.

Finally, please don't smear people as "deniers" just because they want to have an honest scientific debate. Or do you honestly believe someone like Freeman Dyson is a simple-minded old fool?


Quite interesting - they have effectively hacked the marriage system in Massachusetts.

>Kitten, Brynn and Doll had to work with the legalities of the state to get married to each other. As being married to more than one person is not currently legal, they had to combine handfasting, legally binding documents and legal marriage.

A family lawyer drew up paperwork - in terms of assets, wills and legal rights to children - to bind them all together as much as they could without an actual three way marriage.

Will there be repercussions?

For example, will they will be allowed to live together under one roof? A polygamous mormon family who have a TV show have to live in houses next door to each other as the law does not allow them to all live in the same house.

Also since the women are in a de facto three-way marriage, perhaps the campaign for marriage equality should support them?

Anybody know when Xubuntu and Lubuntu will be updated to 14.04?

Is it usually the same day or a few days later?

xubuntu is now out also: http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/

Lubuntu looks released, Xubuntu has a final beta out [0]

[0] http://xubuntu.org/news/tag/14-04/

Never used any of these services... because I had never heard of them until now. Honest truth.

There should be claw-back provisions if an employee don't perform.

A lot of general phone support has been shut down and you are now told to look at the website.

I think the temporary phone shut down during the last debt ceiling government shutdown saga is now permanent.

Or maybe only gray-haired curmudgeons are working on this... CVS is quite a high entry barrier for young trendy Githubbers!

I'm actually really impressed what so many of the OpenBSD developers can delete/reformat/edit the OpenSSL code at the speed they seem to be working right now and not run into issues with CVS. One awesome thing about CVS is cvsweb ( which is a separate thing, I know), I much prefer browsing around, diffing and viewing changes in cvsweb compared to say GitHub or Bitbucket.

Sort a side note: OpenBSD really seems to have picked up speed after they fundraising. It wonderful to see the money has been so well spent.

Sorry, there's nothing awesome about CVS, especially not cvsweb.

If you want a git client that's graphical, there's dozens to choose from, many of which do a lot of what cvsweb does and more.

You can also create your own Gitorius (https://gitorious.org/) server and view changes there before pushing to the upstream. It's like your own personal GitHub.

It is wonderful to see improvements. It's just that a refined CVS workflow is downright awful compared to the default git one.

Being able to git clone, monkey around with your own branches, and never need commit rights is a huge deal for those looking to work with and improve your software.

> One awesome thing about CVS is cvsweb ( which is a separate thing, I know), I much prefer browsing around, diffing and viewing changes in cvsweb compared to say GitHub or Bitbucket.

Me too. It would be really nice though if it gave the option to show diffs for all files touched by a single commit.

I'd also love to get the diffs along with commit messages straight into my mailbox...

Is this an attempt at sarcasm, or just good ole ageism?

I sincerely hope it's both actually. Considering I fall into the Github-generation (age-wise) of developers this is one of the things I constantly find annoying when discussing stuff with - Generation GitHub - collegues; if it's not on Github/Not in the language we usually work with/Not agile/Boring code... according to them it's not worth discussing.

Looks like Google can dish out lifetime App Store bans without any recourse or transparency, and cancel your other services like Google Wallet and even Google Music.

>Who am I?

I’m an indie software developer living in San Francisco. I have a wife and two kids. I have had a long software career since 1990 creating successful apps for MacOS / OS X.



Tried to become a professional Android developer. Didn’t realize posting some apps for beta testing would result in being banned for life by Google before even having a chance to get started. I assumed a human would be involved in any banning process and they would clearly see that I was not intending to fool anyone and that my apps were harmless. Consider this before investing time and money into developing for Android. If one of their algorithms thinks you’re a bad guy, you’re banned for life.

Dropbox will have zero impact in China.

Forget the trust and security angle and just look at the local competition - TenCent offer 10TB of free storage!

Google, Facebook and Twitter are all banned in China and there is nothing they can do about it.

How will Apple respond, if at all?!

Steve Jobs promised that FaceTime would be an open protocol... never happened.

AirDrop is yet another closed protocol.

XPC is a new protocol for sandboxed processes to communicate with each other, it's basically distributed objects. Again, a secret even though things like CORBA, Java RMI, etc. have been around for years.

You are talking protocols vs code. Let me know when MS opens up AD, SMBv3+, etc.

A fair bit of it is here, including stuff for Active Directory (though I don't know enough on the subject to say whether any bits are missing) and SMB3: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc216517.aspx

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