eg: I'd like to build an expense tracker with html/css/js/sqlite but I want it to be offline and the user can choose to save their db file in their dropbox/gdrive folder.
The second one links to the very same URL (and actually came first). What's also interesting is that HN didn't block the 2nd one at all; they should've kept the first one only.
I'm not talking about boot time - I'm talking opening the lid of a suspended-state laptop. Which is something a highschool student has to do at least 5 (but probably more) times a day. Windows is better now (my shiny new Windows laptop takes around 5 or 10 seconds) but Mac is pretty much instant.
I want to use a password manager, I just can't find any that work everywhere and don't depend on third party services (and I want to inspect the source code). I'm not making a fuss on purpose.