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Does this address any of the issues people have with SparkleShare? (Another dropbox clone based on git - http://www.sparkleshare.org/)

Well, it's probably much simpler. And it relies on fsevents to do the pushes. But, aside for that, what issues are people having with sparkleshare?

Lack of windows support and the difficulty to install the server side components are the two ones that I've heard a lot of complaints about.

SparkleShare doesn't require any special server side parts: just git-core, which may be easy or hard to set up depending on your sysadmin skills.

We plan to address those issues, namely cross-platform support and easy install, and of course striving to keep things as simple as possible.

Remember that this article is advising that you upgrade to the most recent version. That means if your parents are running IE 6, let it update itself. Although I agree with you're point about not contract work, I think that upgrading to a newer version of the same software holds low enough liability (esp when compared with changing to Firefox/Opera/Chrome)

I'm surprised that wsj is portraying that Apple is the driving force between HTML5. It seems to me to be a much more "grassroots" level idea than one coming from the top down.

Why is it that Canada is consistently getting better or equal performance than the US? I would think that most traffic requests from Canada are routed through the US.

The thing that scares me most about this redesign is that Facebook is spending resources making half baked UX changes instead of focusing energy into doing something new an innovative.

Lists might have their place in the future, and somehow users might get used to a more cluttered design. Ultimately, these types of features are tweaks on a product and not a game changer.

If legislation like this passed, I wonder how it would effect relations with the US and the US tech industry. Its all fine and good to try and subvert the Egyptian government during a revolution, but what happens if the tech companies try to subvert another first world country?

Ah, you noticed that too? I thought it was unusually clever: only if you attack civilians, we will bomb you; the civilians are rising up against you with tanks and guns; you fight back; we bomb you!

Media have tagged along as usual: massive glorification of the rebels without discussing many of the issues or history; implicit support as if treating events as a football match with the rebels being England.

US tech industry maybe, but the US government is totally on board with this sort of shit and looking into it themselves.

What goals are being accomplished here that are not adressed with other HTML/JS/CSS presentation frameworks?

I'm thinking specifically of DZSlides (http://paulrouget.com/dzslides/)

A lot of these features remind me of what mozilla is trying to do with browserID (https://browserid.org/)

In terms of single sign-in, BrowserID is more advanced, but also more complex.

The single sign-in in Browsr does not require any email address. You simply need a username and a password. And while third-parties can implement Browsr for a seamless sign in experience, they don't HAVE to. Users can save username/passwords for each of their services and Browsr logs them in automatically, making it useful from the get go.

Mozilla is supporting a new version of websockets (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=640003) that as of a week ago did not work with a lot of popular libraries yet (socket.io). Its awesome to see better security features in place and I hope that library distributors are fast to follow up with changes in their library.

I wonder if joint support with somebody like heroku is coming. Being able to develop and deploy all from your web browser would be a very cool feature.

Of note, this was the core feature of Heroku when they first started out (no need to know git/command line).

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