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We support OSS independently of their popularity. If you have had issues with your project being supported (due to maybe some automated checks we've put in place to help us), please feel free to reach out to me with the details. My email is hadi at jetbrains dot com.


I apologise for intervening, but I believe it's necessary as this statement is not correct. We did not layoff a huge portion of our staff.

Well then I have completely misunderstood your march announcement and I don't think you should be apologising.

No need to apologise. It's always good to counter assertions lacking in evidence with actual facts.

Are these on YouTrack? Under same username as here?

Yes. Username is OZ.

It's based on the JVM (Kotlin) and parts of it with Rust.

Is the JVM portion still using Swing? And can you share any details about what you're using Rust for?

Briefly: no, it's a custom reactive UI framework similar to Jetpack Compose. Rust is used for native operations such as accessing file system, launching processes, etc

Interesting that you would use Rust for those operations since the JVM was already presumably giving you cross-platform implementations. Was that a significant performance bottleneck that got alleviated by using Rust, or was there another reason?

Whole architecture of Fleet is distributed, so we need a small binary without dependencies that could be uploaded to the dev container. All the access goes through that binary (even in local case)

It's interesting and says something about the state of tooling that, in response to those requirements, it was easier to switch to an entirely different language and ecosystem than it was to build off the existing work and convince the toolchain you were using to produce output with those properties.

Is it / does it? I thought the JRE as a deploy-time dependency was the very first conscious tradeoff one makes with Java, and always has been.

JDK is modular now and ecosystem is moving towards jlinked application. So no need for jdk on the target machine.

Well, you can make standalone binaries with both Kotlin and Java these days, so this may be related to when Fleet was started rather than how you'd do it in 2021.

That makes sense. Thanks for sharing!

We'll be publishing a blog post with more detailed information soon.

Awesome, looking forward to it. I hope Clojure/Scala wind up getting supported in the future, I'd love to try it out :) Keep up the good work!

JVM rocks for cross platform development!

IntelliJ IDEA along with the platform is the largest team at JetBrains and we're constantly working on bugs and features. If you can please point me to the issues you're referring to in YouTrack, I can check the status.

OTOH, just two of the bugs that annoyed me today:


  - Regression: Markdown preview vertical sync does not work anymore

  - Makes editing long documentation files a pain, I have to use an external markdown editor now

  - First reported 12 months ago

  - Regression: Git actions don't work anymore when looking at the file diff window

  - Breaks my reviewing workflow, I have to use an older version of IntelliJ (which of course has its own problems)

  - First reported 3 months ago
Missing / incomplete features is one thing (hello Scala 3 support), but leaving regressions unfixed for so long is breaking the fundamental trust that users have in your product – the ability to rely on the basic functionality that already exists.

Thanks. Will check.

This bug is quite telling: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-276949 It is marked as fixed but it is not yet released. If you look inside, you will see that HTTP Proxy authentication has been broken for almost a year. Many corporate users are behind such proxies, and they suffer.

This kind of bugs should be utmost priority, because they directly impact the cashflow.

Ouups... it's been reopened after the 2021.3 release.

same to me - sad story every day..

I think that it would be good to dedicate a few months with no new feature and just focus on fixing all the regression bugs, there's a lot of bugs that are reported for many months to a year seemingly without activity.

I used to like Intellij but got fed up and just stopped using it. Dealing with regression bugs isn't worth it. An IDE should be extremely stable, releasing new features is great but it shouldn't be to the detriment of existing features.


5. Do you fix bugs before writing new code?

That might indicate a good place to work for a software engineer, but not necessarily a profitable business. If a bug affects 1% of your customers but a feature will potentially bring 2% more customers, the business will obviously prioritise the latter.

Disclaimer: I know that the above is an oversimplification but the point is there has to be a balance between fixing bugs and adding features. You can't wait until all reported bugs have been fixed.

I think that's often the reasoning behind this but I think the oversimplification doesn't help. It's usually harder to attract new customers than to retain them so retention is important and regression bugs affect that. They slowly erode the confidence until the customers who were your major advocates now become strong critics wherever they go.

> I think the oversimplification doesn't help


> It's usually harder to attract new customers

To my defense that difficulty was factored in the 2% figure.

oh yes, I didn't mean to harp on you, what I meant is that I believe a lot of executives make the same calculation, oversimplifying things in the same way which leads to the repeated QA issues both Apple and Microsoft have or to the issues that Jetbrains has. New features are exciting and are seen as ways to get new customers.

Stability and bug fixes is not sexy and I believe underestimated as a way to retain customers but it's critical to customer happiness.

> A score of 12 is perfect, 11 is tolerable, but 10 or lower and you’ve got serious problems. The truth is that most software organizations are running with a score of 2 or 3, and they need serious help, because companies like Microsoft run at 12 full-time.

Over the weekend I spent a good chunk of a day fighting with a copy of Windows 11 for ARM preview that has a major bug wherein the Start Menu just straight-up doesn’t work. I’m not sure Microsoft is running at 12 full-time 21 years on from when this article was posted.

I don't think that Microsoft ever ran at 12 full-time given my experience with windows 9x... But then Joel is biased when it comes to Microsoft.

It was also 20 years ago when Microsoft didn't constantly release half finished versions of Windows.

Another issue that hits IntelliJ IDEA corporate customers is WSL2 support.

While VS Code has great WSL2 support, IntelliJ IDEA can not even show proper error messages when opening Maven projects inside WSL2.

See https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-267333

Seconded, as a pycharm user. It doesn’t support virtualenvs inside WSL2. I mean… no virtualenvs? In a paid python IDE?

More effective would be to send the board and the CEO links to this and the other thread to show how long-gone the days of "develop with pleasure!" really are.

People on this issue[1] have been asking themselves the same questions. New very specific features are added with every new releases. However, the Git/shelf experience is lacking the ability to commit specific lines.

[1] See this highly voted issue: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-186988 (opened since more than 3 years already)

That looks like a feature request, not a bug. Am I wrong?

This is pretty unrelated, but it's bugged me for years and this is the first chance I've had to ask someone who works at Jetbrains, so I'm going to ask anyway: what exactly is going on with the name "IntelliJ IDEA" versus the other IDEs (Pycharm, RubyMine, etc.)? When I first saw it, I assumed that either "IDEA" was a brand of IDEs of which IntelliJ was one, or the reverse, but I was surprised when I saw that the other IDEs from Jetbrains don't use either word for their names. Is there any other IDEA other than IntelliJ? Is anything else "IntelliJ" besides "IDEA"? The best explanation I can come up with is that there was originally an idea (pun intended) to reuse branding across them, but it was abandoned by the time the other IDEs came out, but I have no idea if this even fits the timeline of their releases, let alone if it's accurate.

I shouldn't have to point out just how broken that is as a way of supporting paying customers.

Like the OP I've simply stopped reporting bugs, because they don't get looked at for literally years, let alone fixed.

The product is OK-ish, the support is abysmal.

It’s funny because I use Rider for work and I did have few issues that I reported but my experience is totally different. I got instant help in every case, usually developer jumping into the thread and people actually fixing bugs.

Sorry for hijacking this question but I thought this might be a chance to push a bit the attention to some of the bugs I reported, as it would be nice to have them fixed.


I don't want to sound too negative here though. In general, I'm very happy with IntelliJ, and I think it's currently the best available IDE for many languages (I care mostly about Python and PyCharm currently).

Thanks for the support Albert, and for the bug reports. I'll follow-up with the team.

There's been a long-standing issue in Rider and also Webstorm where you try to search globally with Ctrl-Shift-F, and the search UI comes up with the searchbar unfocused and pre-filled with something random. You type what you avtually want to search for, and it either goes nowhere, or tacks onto the end of whatever garbage was pre-populated in the search bar.

This sounds like this one: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-201301 It's a third-party issue that we, unfortunately, can't properly address on our side but there's a workaround available.

Nah, it's not that - this is on Windows.

If some text is highlighted, the Ctrl-Shift-F dialog will populate with that text, and it will be focused and selected.

If nothing is highlighted in the editor, then it uses some random bit of text from the search history buffer, and does not focus the input.

Not OP and quite satisfied with your products, but I want to take this opportunity to point at this issue for which I really would like to see some progress:


We've announced Remote Development support today https://blog.jetbrains.com/blog/2021/11/29/introducing-remot...

Cool! What's the relationship between JetBrains Fleet, JetBrains Projector[1], and Remote Development?

[1] https://lp.jetbrains.com/projector/?utm_source=product&utm_m...

Yes, I'm on the EAP builds and was confused by this exact set of overlapping products.

It would be nice if JetBrains added a feature matrix or disambiguated when and where each product is suitable for.

Also obligatory: https://xkcd.com/927/

That sounds awesome. One point though - VS Code also allows you to setup a reproducable dev environment locally or through an SSH connection. It isn't clear to me based on the video if that feature is exclusive to Space or not.

I believe this is independent from Social Media connections.

It turns off your Sharing for what your playing for your session, but if you want to turn of the Sharing completely you have the option to do so.

For example I have a client who streams video games. He has a an on screen overlay that will show what track he is listening to so if his viewers what to know what he is listening to t will show and also be announced in chat. This is mainly done though the use of scrobbling the tracks to last.fm, now when they are not streaming they may not want the world to know what they are listening to this gives them the option to stop posting to last.fm and the Spotify profile until they have been inactive for 6 hours so they don't need to flip the switch back on.

You are not forced to link Facebook or Last.FM, you can unlink them ir prevent Spotify from posting to them.

The only one you are "forced into" is creating a Spotify profile. As you have said (or was it in the link to the request) anyone follow that profile but you can also stop posting what your playing there completely.

Think of this option of more of a standby then a off button. But the off buttons are still there.

If I'm misunderstanding your issue please explain. It reads from your post and the links in it that you take issue that Spotify can make your playing history public and you believe you can only turn that off on a per-session basis (private session gives a footer in the iOS app to so it's enabled), but going though my settings i can turn those features off completely.

Are you trying to stop Spotify recording your history completely from devices signed into the account. I.e. Make it so your computer can not see what tracks you are playing on your phone? Because I believe that is possible too.

I'm not sure how I did it, but I use the same account on my computer and phone (didn't need to sign into Spotify to play via my PS4 but I use the "devices" feature in the iOS app to send what I want to play to the console) and there have been times I've wanted to check my phones history on my computer (heard a track I like while out and about and wanted to put it into a playlist when I got home) but the history was only showing my playback for what I had played on the computer and not the phone. So this is speculation but maybe locking down the privacy settings makes the history only store on the device (ofcause I'm sure Spotify do record it because how else could they do their customised playlists, they also need to atleast keep a note of track plays to pay out royalties but from a privacy point of view Spotify don't have to pair that with a user account).

But the wording on the private session mode option you show says to enable it if you don't want to share your what you are listening too and it's under the social grouping of settings (that wording is missing from the iOS app) so my interpretation of that setting is that it's to do with the social features.

I'm just trying to better understand your complaint as my understanding is that you just need to deselect the other option(s) instead of enabling this one every session.

I don't believe our goal was to capture a subset of Scala developers.

Not quite what I meant. I meant the set of people for whom Kotlin would be a good fit is largely (but not totally, I'd guess) a subset of those who would gain from using Scala. Therefore for any developer auditing languages, Kotlin and Scala are likely to be peers (as they were for me) and in that case, Scala being more established (i.e. more resources, more employees, more stack overflow questions) means Kotlin would struggle.

I just re-read the 'comparison to Scala' page, and that seems to reinforce that, e.g.: "if you're happy with Scala, you don't need Kotlin".

Which is not to argue my point: you know your goals far better than I. But if anything, take it as a gentle criticism of your messaging.

We have close to 10 products that are using Kotlin, quite a few of them entirely written in Kotlin. Most new projects we start are using Kotlin. Given we've invested 6 years into Kotlin already and are shipping products with it, I doubt it will become abandonware.

Thanks for the response. It is a good counterpoint.

Once again we appreciate your professionalism in this and very grateful for all your help.

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