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Dismissing a point due to bias is an example of the ad hominem fallacy.

I'm not dismissing a point. I said they were good points. I just think that calling the food "fake" detracts from their argument.

No it's not

Not OP. Then what "value" did you even bring to this conversation then, other than to say this person has bias? Because the natural interpretation of your comment is "oh, good facts, but see he has this bias because of this word, therefore the facts must be wrong or misleading or cherry picked". That interpretation sure sounds like an ad-hominem. If there is bias, state your counter points to prove that point.

I responded to a comment that used the term "ad hominem" wrongly. A dictionary could explain proper usage of that term better than I could so I don't bother

Personally I hoped people could make strong arguments and not weaken their own stance with pettiness. It's real food. You can eat it.

The bar is a lot lower when they're not obligated to pay you.

Sadly, even the Drafthouse is already well into decline, too.

“The mission for Ubuntu is both social and economic. First, we deliver the world’s free software, freely, to everybody on the same terms. Whether you are a student in India or a global bank, you can download and use Ubuntu free of charge.” - https://ubuntu.com/about

Basically, "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish" but in Linux flavor.

The best part of Linux is this is totally avoidable (less so if you're in a strict corporate environment where Ubuntu is the only option from IT)

Also Ubuntu:

    > Subscription  Quantity  Billing        Total
    > Ubuntu Pro    1         Billed Yearly  $500.00

Oracle Linux: Free

Redhat Enterprise self-support: $349/annum “Can only be deployed on physical systems. Cannot be stacked with other subscriptions. Is not intended for production environments.”. Doesn’t come with 5 free installs! https://www.redhat.com/en/store/red-hat-enterprise-linux-ser...

SUSE: $799/annum with support. https://www.suse.com/shop/server/#subnav

> Oracle Linux

I wouldn't trust Larry not to sue you for the pleasure of using their beloved products... Hard pass.

Ubuntu pro offers support for Ubuntu universe, which is almost 20,000 packages.

None of the other distros you listed offer support for rpmfusion, which is the equivalent to Ubuntu universe.

If you don't use Ubuntu universe, you end up with just less support compared to the RHEL side.

From your link, I can see it's $25/year for a desktop computer, or $150/year with phone a ticket support. Where does those $500 come from?

But also, I read here the other day you can get a free Pro subscription for personal use, on up to 5 machines.

$500 is for a physical server.

Ok, I thought we were talking about desktop computers, as the guy who posted this was using Ubuntu in a desktop.

The default option for me— server with unlimited VMs— is $500/yr.

and add another 100$ of VAT for an EU customer!

it really is a lot

If you’re a business, VAT doesn’t matter.

not always, unfortunately :(

I like it, but I'm a fairly unsophisticated user of any Linux desktop.


OK, but my car insurance went up 40% since the last policy update, 6 months ago. That certainly was movement faster than I knew, but not in the direction that this think tank wants me to believe.

Also anecdata, but my upcoming payment is somehow 30% lower. Before that, it had gone up ~15% in two years though.

TCI investors, among other people, are the literal owners of Alphabet. The CEO is an employee who takes direction from the owners.

How much GOOGL do they own vs GOOG?

Larry and Sergey own 51% of GOOGL. Owning GOOG doesn't give you any control over the behavior of the company.

Yeah, the tech stock games around ownership vs control are real, and it's unlikely that GOOG owners can assert direct control. Still, if the company fails to listen to GOOG owners, the price will drop, almost as a matter of course.

Well since you are ignoring the proportion of ownership, let me tell you I am also an owner of GOOG.

Sure, and you get a vote. Same for me.

This post seems to suggest that the demand for Elon-Twitter failure continues to outstrip supply.

I’ve enjoyed a lot of what this author has written in the past but honestly I can’t even understand half of this blog post.

Well, it's not very long. This is my best effort summary.

Paragraph 1: There's lots of news

2: US Conservatives [*], and other authoritarians around the world identify with and support Putin. Further they identify with and support fossil energy resource extraction (PREE).

3. PREE are afraid of renewables.

4. PREE + Authoritarians are doing propaganda

5. Authoritarians don't want young adults to vote.

6. The young adults are not in favor of authoritarianism.

7; The old authoritarians will die.

Eight - Elon is in favor of disruptive change.

9ine ~ The disruptive change is going to have consequences.

10: No one likes Twitter.

E11even: Bitcoin is OK, right guys? (sarcasm)

* Not all US Conservatives are authoritarian, just the ones in charge right now. If you are a US Conservative reading this, then you are not an authoritarian, unless you wish to be identified as such.

The blessing and curse of this website is when I make a low effort complaint I get a very reasonable and useful response, which my complaint did not deserve. Aside from any other details, thanks for that csours.

All that said, I still find this to be the kind of thing that probably feels very tight and compelling if you already believe it (and perhaps if you already know what "PREE" stands for), but for someone on the outside (like me) it just seems like a bunch of statements with broad mood affiliation and then the blog post ends.

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