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I have one. What would you consider a reasonable price?

Of course it depends on the model and the condition, but somewhere around or under 5-600 euros?

Some folks I know did something similar - for fun: an artificial museum which shows you a VR space based on location:


Its pretty fun to see what virtual things have been parked out there in the real world ..

I'm quite enamoured by the uConsole [0] .. I've had it for a few weeks and find myself reaching for it more and more, having set it up with the close family/friends Discord channels .. its nice having a machine just for the task, kind of thing. It would be so nice for a few more of my friends/family to have such little things, and leave the world of third-party-based social communication well and truly behind ..

Surely, somewhere out there, someone has a small fleet of these cyberdecks, connected with tunnels, doing nicely secure communication ..

[0] - https://www.clockworkpi.com

Except the balloon is a metaphor and the ink is hubris.

I truly hope there will be more work done on understanding megalithic pre-history. It is really, really fascinating - from Gobekli Tepe to Narwala Gabarnmang and beyond, the whole subject is rich in intriguing questions about what humans were up to, 10's of thousands of years ago ...

"Stoked" implies there was already a fire - indeed, an animal was attacking and killing villagers - it doesn't mean 'created entirely out of nothingness' ...

You stoke a fire to get it going, and you can do that with old or new fires, alike.

Australian here, spent my youth in the deep West.

I found your description inspiring.

I remember feeling, once, that night time was when everything in the universe could be seen, and daytime was when we slept in the shade of the sun, away from it all.

I grew up in rural Australia.

We had Japanese exchange students in High School, and the teachers stayed in our house (Mum & Dad were teachers). Even though I was only ~15, I have a very strong memory of the 50, 60 and 70 year old Japanese people staying outside until all hours stargazing.

They had never seen stars before.

    > They had never seen stars before.
What? Even in a large park in Tokyo, you can see stars. What a silly comment.

I dislike this immensely. It costs nothing to type "~/bin" in front of the command each and every time. And it means I can put comma's wherever I want in some commands that use them, like SQL ..

I do, however, like to comment my custom commands:

    $ mv ~/Desktop/*pdf ~/Documents/PDF # pdfsync
    $ for i in ~/Documents/Development/JUCE/JUCE_Projects/* ; do ; cowsay $i ; cd $i ; git pull ; git fetch --all ; git submodule update --init --recursive ; done # updatejuce
CTRL-R "updatejuce" or "pdfsync" .. and off we go ..

A much nicer way of finding my custom commands ..

You can do what you want but it’s not nothing: it costs six keystrokes every time (seven, counting shift for tilde)

MacOS is not without its issues - the delays in application launch while it checks Apples whitelist for apps you've installed on your own machine, yourself, are pretty obnoxious.

What delay are you talking about? I never encountered such issues. Apps are launching extremely fast. With an ARM Mac almost instantly.

But maybe it’s just an issue if you are using the App Store variants of those apps. I don’t have experience in that. I am using zero apps from the App Store.

But this statement is wrong and should not be propagated: "pid 0 refers to myself".

pid 0 refers to the thing that is running 'myself', not to myself, itself. It is the thing which gave way to allow 'myself' to be executing in the current context.

It is more accurate to say "pid 0 is the source of cpu 'attention' which allows myself 'awareness'", as it discovered I was not idle, and granted me power to proceed with processing ..

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