Thank you, will keep an eye on it. Auth0 is definitely the closest I've seen to what my business needs (and I've spent waaay to much time one trials and demos of too many products so far).
If it would:
a.) Perform group assignment based on SAML attributes (like Okta's group rules), and,
b.) "natively" support SAML Federations used in the Higher Education space (which Shibboleth appears to be the only thing that supports)
I'd sign up tomorrow and start migration of my 150k users.
You can still simulate the old ways without electrical circuits. Just put one of these seemingly primordial devices on your stove and adjust the heat and time to your likening.
> Requirements change. Every software engineering project will face this hard problem at some point.
Rich Hickey calls this a 'situated' program in his talk from Clojure/Conj 2017, where the program has to deal with information and real-world irregularities for extended periods.
While agile disciplines help you from one perspective, your tools (e.g. program language) might also help you solve some of the problems. In this framing, Clojure certainly tries to help where the it matters most.
Highly recommended to read the transcript or watch the video, even if you are not interested in the language itself.