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I bet that a game AI model of a human mind's executive function would actually be embarrassingly simple. Something like a 7 element ring buffer of tasks and their parameters, with interrupts. When the bot tries to remember or do more than 7 things, it just starts forgetting stuff, which it might notice again later. Just like me.

Agreed. This is why single player game AI can be made fun with simple FSMs and logic models.

Ditto, relocated there from Doha. It is conveniently close to a large cluster of AirBnBs, which helps out big time while waiting for a resident's permit.

How long did it take you to get a resident's permit? Seemed to me like this process would be quite fast.

It probably could be fast, if you have all your ducks lined up. UAE immigration wanted me to go back to Canada to pick up a fresh notarized copy of my educational and criminal records.

I really don't understand why this kind of thing can't be done over a video conference, and then printed, stamped, scanned, emailed, printed locally. But, I got a nice little trip to my hometown out of it, so whatever.

I guess if that became a bottleneck, they could set up a queue for write requests. Maybe even something more sophisticated that automatically batches similar writes that pile up in the queue. They could use something like Kafka for this...

I just came across Vue.js the other day, while exploring options for quickly banging out small tools. Getting tired of the clutter in a full-featured React project.

It offers more than one strategy for managing state; there is simple two way binding between a JS object and the DOM, there is the Elm-inspired vuex, and also it can integrate with Redux. http://vuejs.org/v2/guide/state-management.html

What? Youtube requires you to add captions manually, or the video is taken down? That's brutal! I thought YT had automatic captioning. Wow, lame.



So they took the easy way out and removed the videos.

Thank you for confirming the accuracy of the AWS Lambda test model.

If the majority decide that you should pay a tax, and you then become obligated to to pay that tax, that's democracy, not dictatorship. That doesn't mean it's good, it's just democratic.

This is an argument that comes up a lot and usually it becomes clearer when this concept of democracy is simplified anecdotally:

If 5 people come to you and take your car from you, most reasonable humans would call that theft and consider it to be immoral.

The same 5 people come to you and say, we're going to take a vote on whether we should take your car and give you a bicycle, but here's the consolation, you will also be included in the democratic process. I think we all know what the outcome of such an election would be. Would you consider that to be a moral or immoral thing?

Just because I'm included in a democratic process which I didn't sign up for in the first place doesn't make it right to replace my car with a bicycle.

Which is why democratic mob rule is a terrible, terrible idea. Removing the checks and balances on raw, unbridled democracy doesn't have a great track record, historically.

This is what I never got about the Java and C++ type systems. If you claim to value static typing, why are you not typedefing your generic floats / doubles to meters and seconds and stuff? It looks like there is a thorough implementation of standard units in Boost ( http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/boost_units/Un...).

Does node-canvas allow you to select high fidelity algorithms over fast algorithms? A while ago, I wrote a crop tool using browser canvas, and found that the results of a scaling operation were unacceptable, due to its fast downsampling algorithm.

The gory details and a few attempts at higher quality scaling algorithm implementations are on SO: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18922880/html5-canvas-res.... TL;DR: sending the image to the server and having GM scale it is faster and more reliable than your own scaling algorithm in single-threaded browser JS.

I think node canvas is a wrapper over cairo. It lets you set a quality value too. Whether cairo is comparable to GM is something I don't know.

I think that this real value will ensure that it never really dies. If anything happened to twitter.com, then dozens of little MVP short message boards would spring up. In fact, that might actually be an ideal outcome in the long run, especially if it leads to the formation of a standardized tweet data format and competing public APIs.

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