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iirc online identity used to be tied to your public key signature ? Might be too technical for most population to use, but the ideal solution is already there I think ?

Some people will definitely lose their private key

Use multiple keys and use a system that permits easy revokes.

That's what Apple is doing for their new thing


The saving habits was mainly of the post-WW2 generations that have to follow a prudent life style to survive. Highly doubt that Confucius has anything to do with this.

I found the article quite weird for some of the points. But following the optimism spirit, first are things that I found optimistic:

>Child mortality, childbirth death decrease >Child labor. >Life expectency >Literacy increase >Smoking decrease

For others, there's possibly quite a large room for cherry-picking data. I'm very happy if the following can be proved to be negligible ( or wrong ):

>Extreme poverty falling I'm not sure how the math ($1) can already be an adjusted for inflation / price variances. Probably should be using the income / wealth equality instead.

>People in developed countries have more leisure time But not in developing countries. Following the links, I find our working levels stay pretty much the same above the 2000h line. Also I'm interested in how much we compare to pre-industrial level.

>Smoking is down, but not so much in developing countries >Homicide rates have fallen dramatically, but only counting US and EU >The share of income spent on food has plummeted in the US No mention of developing countries. World-wide the homicide rates looks to be about the same-ish ?.

>People have been getting taller for centuries There are more to nutrition than height, and world-wide looks like it has been same-ish since 1970.

>More people in the world live in a democracy now 50/50 on this one, mainly cause I'm not sure if the democracy index is measured objectively, or they just extend to whatever countries on good terms with the US.

>Tech & Moore's law I'm skeptic of more tech leads == better life, particularly when more people reported more internet time ~= decreased mental health.

Well this would not do the shattering-ago amount of damage but after repeated exposure I would probably get burnt out and quit.

Here is an anecdotal analogy: Friends repeatedly call me Internet Explorer every time I share any Tech article that is > 2 weeks old. After a month I just stop reading tech news altogether.

Are they joking ? Yes. It is serious ? No, but it just kills all the fun.

Well this would not do the shattering-ago amount of damage but after repeated exposure I would probably get burnt out and quit.

Here is an anecdotal analogy: Friends repeatedly call me Internet Explorer every time I share any Tech article that is > 2 weeks old. After a month I just stop reading tech news altogether.

Are they joking ? Yes. It is serious ? No, but it just kills all the fun.

But that would be a loss to community, and we would not want Foone to goes full offline won't we ?

Is it what your user wishes or what you wish your user to see.

When I read "fatal" I don't imagine the "death" but more "inevitable".

Higher level protocol would establish handshake & encryption I imagine.

I have concerns about ultrasonic pollution if this is widely adopted.

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