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Can you parse this 2-row CSV:



Pathological cases are never difficult to find for any app.

Wrong. Consider the standard backslash escape: represent literal comma as "\,", and literal backslash as "\\". Backslashes are otherwise forbidden.

It will be difficult to find pathological cases for this grammar, because they don't exist.

Well okay, but there's an outer circle of Hell where people write code to manipulate Windows filepaths.

I'm sorry but.. why? The library is a single function consisting of 10 lines of Rust code. And would be about 10 LOCs to re-implement in any language that has native csv libs. It seems a little bit unnecessary to load a WASM runtime for that.

But without WASM, how are you are going to get 500ms+ startup time and an 3rd party server dependency in your critical path?

And two domains you're blindly trusting not to be hijacked.

Sorry do you know what “demo” means?

for sure — do it!

I'm good I'm just here to chat, not to promote anything ;)

I can certainly appreciate that! Would encourage you to try sometime. Creating and sharing more than your opinion is a lot of fun.

This is (nominally) a discussion about the csv-to-usv tool. They are asking if the csv-to-usv tool also accepts semi-colon delimited files as input.

Have you maybe lost track of what post you're commenting under?

(I believe the answer is no BTW, the tool only supports , as delimiter in its input.)

Yes, this. Thank you.

If I work with CSV files they are most often not comma-separated but semicolon-separated because of the numbers. An Excel installation localized for decimal comma would not read 'real' CSV files correct.

If csv-to-usv cannot cater for this type of CSV files, it would not be usable in a large part of the world.

Yeah they should add it. The tool is like 20 lines of Rust code. It's a thin wrapper around the csv Rust crate, which does support specifying alternative delimiters.

Next time, I'll be sure to do it the easy way by going back in time and getting a free copy of Acronis TrueImage in 1998.

You just need a single Ethernet cable really, if the devices are reasonably modern. With Auto MDI-X the days of needing a crossover cable or a switch are over.

I'm not sure, first off the precision doesn't have an ethernet port at all!

Secondly, I'm not sure if a crossover cable setup will autoconfigure the network, as the poster above says, it has been since the 90s when I bothered trying something like that!

Right, that plan is somewhat foiled by most laptops not having ethernet ports anymore.

You don't need crossover cables anymore. You can just connect a regular patch cable directly between 2 devices. Modern devices can swap RX/TX as needed.

As for auto-configuration, that's up to the OS, but yeah you probably have to set up static IPs.

They would receive APIPA ( address for IPv4 and link-local for IPv6, if the interface would be brought up. Now, that second part is a question; windows would do it, but linux probably not.

If both ends got APIPA addresses would they be able to talk to each other?

I was under the impression you have to set up the devices as each other's default gateway, but maybe I'm the one not up to modern standards this time.

Their randomly chosen addresses are within the same /16 subnetwork.

Therefore they can talk directly, without using a gateway.

Their corresponding Ethernet MAC addresses will be resolved by ARP.

The problem is that in many cases you would have to look at the autoconfigured addresses and introduce manually the peer address in each computer.

For file sharing, either in Windows or using Samba on Linux, you could autodiscover the other computer and just use the name of the shared resource.

There's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multicast_DNS though I'll admit I never properly tried it.

DNS over HTTPS is using port 443 because it's... HTTPS. Are you blocking that too?

You can block HTTPS to known DoH providers. You can set up an alias in a firewall to load the list from https://public-dns.info/nameservers-all.txt. Its a bit of a cat-and-mouse game as it relies on that list being updated frequently and reliably, but its the best you're gonna get for blocking DoH.

Also make sure to block outgoing TCP and UDP 853 – this blocks DoT and DoQ too.

Have you found any open resolvers that are using a shared CDN IP? I've been on the lookout for those ever since the first discussion of DoH appeared on HN. I have yet to find one but I would really like to know details if you have found one. Thus far I have been able to block DoH by NXDOMAIN'ing "use-application-dns.net" and blackhole routing about 80 IP addresses.

That's why you run a transparent HTTPS proxy gateway with iCAP DNS filters

Which French layout would that be? I've never seen a French keyboard where this is true. French is my native language. On layouts I'm familiar with, some accented letters have separate keys like é, but not all, the others are made by composing an accent key with a letter.

You're right, sorry. I had forgotten about the ^ and ¨ keys.

I'm in Canada so laws are different but what I found here is when I ask for proof they don't send it, they just sell the "debt" to a different agency and then I start getting harassed again 2 months later, rinse and repeat.

(I put debt in quotes because the alleged debt is with a company I've never done business with, so I assume it's completely fake, mistaken identity, or identity theft.)

That happens here (US), also.

I got one that must have been mistaken, sent off the letter asking for evidence and it shows up from a new guy instead. Same letter to the new guy, it never returned.

There is one simple change I would like to see to the industry--if a debt is challenged it should be illegal to sell while the challenge clock is running and if it's not substantiated it should be illegal to sell, period. You should not have to play whack-a-mole with bogus or mistaken identity debt.

I would also like to see the FDCPA remedies applied to everyone--you should have the same causes of action even if it's not your debt.

Just an FYI it is illegal if you ask. Or something like that IANAL. The author of the original article has a “what letter to write to debt collectors” article and basically says something to the affect of

“Please provide me proof that this debt is valid. Or else please notify all credit agencies that this debt is invalid and should be scrubbed. You are not allowed to sell or collect on this debt until you tell me it’s real”.

Of course doesn’t mean people follow the law. But sometimes you have to have intention in explicitly asking them to delete the record if they don’t have proof.


I was hoping this would let me set 125% scaling on my 3440x1440 display but no, I guess it's a hard OS limitation. It's my biggest gripe with MacOS.

(There's BetterDisplay - formerly BetterDummy - but it introduces noticeable input lag for me.)

> automated assessment tests, I was consistently placed in the "best" decile

Of course you were. I'd expect that for a large fraction of gainfully employed devs.

People who can't code their way out of a paper bag are way over-represented in tech screens. Because a highly competent dev will apply at 3 companies they choose and get a job. A terrible dev will do 100 applications and see what sticks.

We opened a ML intern position recently and got over 200 applications and 95% of them were terrible. Should I conclude most ML grads are incompetent? I don't think so... probably 190 of them are the bottom 5% of the local market, and these same 190 CVs are on the desk - well, in the rubbish bin - of everyone with an open position right now.

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