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Turing completeness assumes infinite resources and just concerns itself with the ability of a system of rules to simulate a Turing Machine.

> Yes, it hasn't taken any shortcuts or sacrifices to the blockchain trilemma

Eth has sacrificed on scalability. Whether you find that the balance is subjective.

Cardano's issue to this point is that their eUTXO model and their smart contract tooling is a bit too esoteric for the current crypto community. What you get in return is deterministic and verifiable smart contracts. Whether that will matter in practice time will tell

Eth didn't come up with the rollup design.

I agree with your Steve Balmer take, but the rest of your assessment is something else.

It also doesn't help that there are entities out there will actively make it hard to do proper investigations.

> I don't know their exact definition

So it is not clear contrary to your previous comment.

Because I didn't bother to look it up. (And neither did you apparently)

You can read the exact guidelines here: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/163636/WHO_...

In particular, they say:

Disease names may NOT include: [...]

- People's names [...]

- Cultural, population, industry or occupational references. Examples: Occupational, legionnaires, miners, butchers, cooks, nurses

What it again does not mention is brands.

How do you manage sensitive data with this workflow (i.e. do you do it manually everytime, do you automate it, what scripts, etc.)?

I get changing passwords, but say that data leaks (whether by a vulnerability in the clone environment, or by a dev gone rogue), how do you mitigate possible damage done to real users (since you did clone from prod).

I ask not because I question your actions, but because I've been wanting to do something similar in staging env to allow practical testing, but I haven't had the chance to research how to do it "properly".

Not the parent post, but working in finance, multiple products had a "scrambling" feature which replaced many fields (names, addresses, etc) with random text, and that was used upon restoring any non-production environments. It's not proper anonymization since there are all kinds of IDs that still are linkable (account numbers, reference numbers) to identities but can't be changed without breaking all the processes that are needed even in testing, but it's a simple action that does reduce some risks.

Code seems to be the law, hence why they're resorting to begging and blackmailing

Underrated comment. Very wise.

There's a volume control/mute button

Have you tried changing your user agent/checking the "Desktop site" on your mobile browser?

This is no different from the "first" comments in youtube or when sharing a meme to a friend that has already seen it and says "I've seen that already" instead of discussing essence of the content itself.

3.8 seems to have some new keywords and jazz introduced, so might be better to start with that instead of 3.7 for new projects.

3.8 seems to be much more twitchy about exact versions of dependencies, so I've had problems running the AWS cli stuff on 3.8 at times, because there's no set of non-conflicting dependencies. (oftentimes due to minor/patch level version mismatches)

I keep having issues with 3.8 and many dependencies. Two months back, I started out a new project in 3.8 and two days in was downgrading it due to compatibility problems with Pillow and a couple others.

What typically is happening is that a wheel package was missing. When that happens python tries to compile the package, to do that it requires extra dependencies, such as compiler, python-devel, and other *-devel packages, because they weren't available it failed. This is very common when a new major version is released, it requires authors of the C based packages to build wheels to make installation easier and not requiring extra dependencies.

Looks like Pillow has wheel for 3.8 now since April 2nd, so might work now (no compilation is needed). I don't know other packages so can't check them. Psycopg2 would probably be another one with this issue (also fixed on April 6th).

[1] https://pypi.org/project/Pillow/#files look for cp38 wheel files.

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