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Bad advice, especially if you're under the age of 35 or want to evolve as a person.

I would suggest the exact opposite: do many things, fail better, be open to new possibilities.

I think you are not completely disagreeing with the most important part of the message: knowing why you are doing something. When young, you can be trying lots of news things, e.g. drugs, casual sex, going to Tibet, etc. etc. either as a clueless youth (which is how it's done mostly) or doing them for consciously in order to learn from your experiences.

The options become less less as you get older, obviously. In fact I think the best description of the change in career outlook as you get older is a switch from breadth-first search of new experiences to depth-first search.

This offensive and disgusting headline distracts from the message.

For God sakes, grow up.

Ok, call me childish but I found the title not only funny but completely appropriate for the acerbic tone of the article.


If this trash keeps showing up on HN, I ain't gonna stick around.

People should go be children somewhere else.

Delicious still has the goods. I'd even say it's underrated now.

Oh Rob, being a long time /. reader, I know you'd ban someone's account to Hades if they did on /. what your doing here.

Just sayin.

Notice that my resume isn't ON Slashdot!

You're confusing me Rob. You want to be someone's employee, follow someone else's vision, get a regular paycheck, dental plan yada yada - and yet you want to change the world. Again.

It's definitely possible to do, but not as likely, and resumes are a bit played out, esp. for someone with your credentials.

Yep. Totally confused.

That's a bit bleak. In corporations, you work for someone; in places like start-ups, you stand a good chance of working with someone. You don't need to be the founder to get into that position, but it's obviously an option.

Rob doesn't need to parade around a resume to get in a startup. The boy is prequalified.

Namespro.ca have excellent service and "not bad" prices. Highly recommended.

P.S. And yes, I despise GoDaddy with every molecule of my being.

That's because they're too busy suing people to innovate.

Another Social app? Even the most interesting, narcissistic person in the world doesn't have this much to share.

Is this what it's about? Narcissism? Are we all so vain?

I'm guessing you have no idea what Path is. It's for sharing with close friends or family. Family, in general, is interested in knowing what's up with other members. That isn't narcissism. This isn't facebook. Please stop with this whole narcissism crap when one, you don't understand the app, and two, you're on a website SHARING your opinion.

Fair enough. Let me try and understand this. Facebook is a social network for sharing with close friends or family. Path, on the other hand, is a social network for sharing with close friends or family.


Addendum: I hope Path finds it's "path" to success. I sincerely do. I just don't think it has enough differentiation in the social media space.

I bristled when I read this. They are making some steep requests and I can't see how you could seriously consider going along with this. It can't be in your best interest.

Yeah, my gut feeling is straying me away from this.

Bounce rate is scary high. You need something to keep them on the page longer.

And congrats on the sale!

Yes. I think a long copy can help me on this point. Thank you!

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