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cure it by never getting it. drink a full 8-14oz glass of water for every single drink unit i.e. 1 shot, 1 beer, 1 glass of wine

havent had a hangover in close to a decade doing this.

For me that only makes the hangover a lot softer.

What would end up a day in bed with my head pounding ends up as a shitty day in the sofa doing nothing, feeling like my mouth is gross.

My approach is similar, but less effective (I have had the odd hangover).

1. Eat something dry, bread for instance. Wait 10-15 minutes.

2. Mix powdered sports drinks. Drink enough to fill your stomach. Take chelated magnesium with the first gulp (it helps with muscle pain and sleep). You're trying to dilute the alcohol remaining in your stomach.

3. Wait 30 minutes.

4. Empty your bladder.

5. Drink a quarter of your stomach in sports drinks. You're trying to re-hydrate.

6. Have sports drinks near your bed, if you wake up to pee, have a gulp.

I've found that pure water works, but not nearly as well as sports drinks. I've also found that the longer you wait before sleeping, the better things turn out - slowed metabolism during sleep, maybe?

Almost forgot in college I found success drinking a gallon of water before bed after a night of heavy drinking. Forced me to get up twice to urinate but definitely had a 2-3x effect on my pain the next day.

This is also great for avoiding binge drinking. I did this in college and it's incredibly hard to drink to the kind of excess most college folks do when you're needing to pee ever 15 minutes.

> it's incredibly hard to drink to the kind of excess most college folks do when you're needing to pee ever 15 minutes.

Maybe with beer or mixed drinks. You can do a lot of shots in 15min.

How many can you drink if you drink a glass of water for every one of them? That was the proposal.

If I followed this advice while actively drinking, I would’ve developed hyponatremia almost every day.

3 years later, the best way I’ve found to prevent a hangover is not drinking ;)

Ditto. This works for me. I don't always do it because I forget, but I don't usually get a hangover anyways.

That defeats the point of getting drunk enough to have a serious hangover, though.

Agreed. Also you can partially dial back the water if you're drinking beer since it's basically a drink unit with 8oz of water tacked on

... and leave a bottle of gatorade on your pillow before you go out for the night.

that's because that answer is for how to find unique values in an array. it works as intended with any duplicates, stacksort just chose an answer that wasnt only sorting

not exactly what you're looking for but kind of close


It seems to me this article starts from both an untested speculative hypothesis (infinite multiverse), mixes in some poor theology, and then just babbles on from that point.

There's usenet, and importantly another layer, plex. the future is some people downloading everything and all their friends using their plex

America was born, nay, torn out of a monarchy

when independence was our declaration conveyance

it formed a republic with a twist of democracy

power to the people's voice was it's purveyance

today the people blindly march toward oligarchy

as we for free products provide our own surveillance

and I long for the future Just and Loving theocracy

When those in Christ know God fully in unveiled valence.

And that valence will have to be unveiled.

The surveillance will demand it.

Given what facebook is and has done, why wouldn't you be suspicious that there is a hidden reason that is beneficial to facebook.

I can see a new zuck quote now... 'i asked them for nudes and those idiots just gave them to me'

> Given what facebook is and has done, why wouldn't you be suspicious that there is a hidden reason that is beneficial to facebook.

Facebook is in the middle of a PR disaster which sank their stock price because they gave away data to companies that users agreed to give away. Nude photos are probably more sensitive to people than their social security number and bank information -- especially to younger people.

The public outrage that would follow if anything nefarious was happening to voluntarily sent nude photos would be tantamount to destruction of the company. It's not hyperbole -- the whole point of submitting photos to stop revenge porn is to stop the spread of the photos. Anything else would contravene that trust and spark moral hostility.

unfortunately MacOS has a lot of keyboard shortcuts that are different depending on what application you're in (vs windows)

also there's a lot of annoying little things - if i'm typing in one space, and switch spaces, my typing cursor is still off the screen until i bring an app in the current space in focus

you can still do it, but there's a lot more context-specific stuff to be a keyboard poweruser on MacOS vs windows/linux

this assumes the entire deck being dealt, which is really rare

But is that rarity cause or effect?

Bridge, Hearts, Pinochle, Spades, BS/Cheat, and President off the top of my head all deal the full deck. The first four tend to be played only with 4 players because it's an even deal, which is too bad

You can throw away the As or Ks to get a lovely (2^4 * 3)-card deck.

Or make a piquet deck like for 500 or Euchre.

To be fair (edit: figuratively, to state a favorable viewpoint on Elon's decisiont to give more time to one person) he was asking excellent/interesting/challenging questions and it was really interesting to me to hear Elon's answers.

I think Elon might have done well to be less brusque with the more run of the mill questions but I really enjoyed listing to the long exchange there

> he was asking excellent/interesting/challenging questions and it was really interesting to me to hear Elon's answers.

In the context of an investor call, which are supposed to convey an investment thesis for the company, I cannot agree. The questions were too pie-in-the-sky to have any bearing on whether TSLA equity/debt/or hybrid have an attractive relative value. It seemed to me that Elon was simply running out the clock.

> To be fair he was asking excellent/interesting/challenging questions and it was really interesting to me to hear Elon's answers

thats the opposite of being fair, but unfair is fine sometimes.

>thats the opposite of being fair, but unfair is fine sometimes.

fair point ;)

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