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Is this going to be open source? Or a commercial product? I don't think most iOS devs would want to use a closed-source library, not necessarily because they're averse to paying for something, but because the UX of using one is much worse.

- There's generally no dependency management, or you're forced into using Cocoapods, and using it in a bad way (binaries in your repo).

- You're at the will of the vendor for additional features (framework, Swift nullability/generics integration, bitcode), and, if they're even available, dependency bumps. This gets really painful. Every time I used a closed-source framework, it ends up being a nightmare.

This is compared to:

- Add line to Cartfile

- carthage update

- A little drag and drop

- Done, future releases will probably Just Work

You might have better luck with people that aren't necessarily "iOS devs", i.e. games, where using closed-source is more common and they might not even be using Xcode.

One thing to note: Carthage usage is invisible, since frameworks built with Carthage are just Plain Old Frameworks. So people that have migrated from Pods to Carthage will be hard to track.

Using an unmaintained networking stack should terrify you.

Just because it's old doesn't mean it's unmaintained.

ASIHTTPRequest has been unmaintained for years.

Correct, the banner shows it was last updated in 2011.


Given the problems we found with SSL domain verification in another networking library, you definitely don't want to be using unmaintained code for this.


(SourceDNA helps developers secure & improve their apps, and one of the things we identify is out-of-date static libraries.)

Scary how many of these are obsolete or outdated.

"Bolts-iOS" is a dependency of "facebook-ios-sdk", which means that 19 of the top apps are using an outdated version of the Facebook SDK that predates Bolts, and might be vulnerable.

Yep, there are tons of SDKs being used that aren't actively maintained like ASIHTTPRequest on iOS, for example. There are two reasons we've found:

1. App was written a while ago and is only in maintenance mode

2. Developer got started early on and hasn't kept track of the industry

The latter often happens with internal dev kits, where someone drops a static library in (say, to add a wrapper) and then never updates the dependency. New apps inherit it when they use the internal dev kit.

You've never been to a Whole Foods?

Healthcare is a benefit in the UK? I thought it was socialized?

The NHS provides mostly excellent free health care. (Some non-urgent but unplanned stuff can be frustrating).

But you can also pay privately for treatment. I'm not sure why you would chose to do so - you get a private room but not much else. (There's a possibility you get slightly worse outcomes)

Dental isn't free even on the NHS (although many people get exemptions) so paying gets you better dentists, with better wait times, and more cosmetic options.

In apps properly coded against the UIFont APIs, you can: https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios//document...:

~"It's not the mobile internet, it's just the internet"

- Apple, at iPhone release

Yeah. And then we decided to break that and re-invent the mobile internet with "responsive".

Well, that's why they give acquihired employees a whole bunch of RSUs. I worked for a boring corporate acquihirer for a while because they were paying me the stock equivalent of my salary (which also increased) every year.

But, you did leave.

Paying people more doesn't fix the culture clash issue.

Anyone who eats above their TDEE for an extended period will become obese, which is trivially possible on a vegan diet of french fries topped with sugar and olive oil. What does this have to do with a vegan diet?

Since you're asking personal medical questions, my blood pressure/blood tests are all nominal, my RHR is ~55, and I eat a high-protein vegetarian diet, with the primary protein sources being skim greek yogurt, whey powder, eggs, tofu, edamame, and seitan. Besides that I mostly eat vegetables and noodles.

> Anyone who eats above their TDEE for an extended period will become obese

Well, they'll gain weight; whether that's muscle or fat -- and thus whether it contributes to obesity by the more significant adiposity-based standards rather than the less-meaningful BMI-based standards -- depends on other factors than whether they are consuming more calories than their TDEE.

Sorry, you're totally correct - this assumes someone that isn't performing strength-based exercise!

That's why I've said "plant-based vegan diet" and not "vegan diet of french fries topped with sugar and olive oil".

Please post the actual numbers, as "nominal" levels in a society where it is normal to die from cardiovascular disease, for example, are not a good representation of optimal health.

Did potatoes, sugar cane, and olives stop being plants...?

A potato is not a french fry, sugar cane is not sucrose syrup, nor are olives equal to olive oil. This is why I keep saying, whole plant-based foods, i.e., unprocessed and unrefined ones.

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