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There is, every source stated it man. There was meeting at the contested location, which both sides argued that it belongs to them, and apparently India used to petrol that area. In the meet they had agreed to pull back troops, whilst the Indian side retracted the troops, the chinese did not move an inch. This was observed by Indian troops, when they(about 2-3 initially) went back to enquire this, the Chinese counterpart attack the Indian side with weapons (wire-barbed woods etc) even when weapons were forbidden in that region according to previous agreements. This was clear violation from the Chinese side. Soon the Indian troops got a information about this and they rushed to save their men. And during this clash, most of troops from both sides either died in hand to hand combat or fell down deep into the valley.

The point is that China keeps on extended their claim of what border looks like for them, showing centuries old maps and treaties. Its not just limited to India. They captured few villages from neighboring country Nepal, last year their was a similar issue at doklam in bhutan where India had to step in. They have territorial disputes with All countries, even the region where China doesn't even share border by creating artificial Islands.

It's not about losing small region, but about future consequences, they'll proclaim more land. In fact, No body understand's how they could proclaim and ENTIRE STATE of India (Arunachal Pradesh), which has Its own Democratically elected Govt, since country's independence.

The Chinese Land Grab needs to stop. It's straight up Bullying.

> every source stated it man.

Of course every Indian source stated that India were on the side of justice, just like Chinese media also gave a bias in favor of China. The thing is, there's no way to know which side is telling the truth. None of their sources can be considered credible on this.

You can try keeping only the "facts" as described by the Indian media in the corresponding Wikipedia entry[1] and see if others agree. My point is: You can't just assert that a unilateral statement is a fact.

> They captured few villages from neighboring country Nepal

"Nepal government says Nepal doesn't have border dispute with China"[2]

"Nepal denies claims of construction by Chinese side within its territory"[3]

Your news sources don't look that credible.

In fact, not only are there no disputes between Nepal and China, but instead there are disputes between Nepal and India.[4]

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_China%E2%80%93India_skirm...

[2]: https://reddit.com/r/Nepal/comments/iybcbj/nepal_government_...

[3]: https://thehimalayantimes.com/nepal/nepal-denies-claims-of-c...

[4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India%E2%80%93Nepal_border#Bor...

You're citing WIKIPEDIA articles? I didn't expect that from HN. I am sorry but they're not a credible sources either.

The current crisis ongoing between Nepal and India is the starting point of all this. If you follow the timeline, it was after the Nepal suddenly woke up after 30 years and started laying claims on territory which was agreed to be part of India. The current sitting govt. is highly biased for the communist, to the extent that somehow the Chinese Envoy has 'special' meetings with PM and internal handling. It's a known fact. There is strategic shift since the new PM who is has communist leaning was sworn in, since day one. Whilst, India shared Open border with Nepal during all this time, Nepal was like a brother, we had everything to share with them.

It is due due to foreign interference from Chinese side these chain of events started taking place. In Past Indian Govt. was very hesitant about border clashes but now it seems like they have had enough of the bullying.

Are you really denying the expansionism by China? If you only care about hyperlink to so called 'International Credible News Sources they're not free from Foreign interference either.

There are issues in past even with Sri-Lanka, The Chinese side has occupied an entire port by debt trap policy. The Thread posed by Chinese Expansionism is real.

> but instead there are disputes between Nepal and India.

There are 2 disputes of minor region. There is no Denial of change in behavior from nepal's side, how come after decades Free trade, Open Borders, where Nepal citizen could literally get their bags and visit any city in India, decide to show their back? that too all of sudden? never in history there was a crisis like this.

Look at the larger picture, China has highest number of territorial disputes , South China Sea, Indian Border Dispute, I wonder how world has forgotten Take over of Tibet. Even Taiwan, Mongolia, Australia, Japan, They internally suppressing millions of Uighurs Muslims voices, and not to forget Hong Kong. They're debt trapping poor nations - in the name of investment they bring everything from China sounds fair enough until even the laborers are from China, its a fishy business, to an extent where they had dock yards and port in their name... It doesn't take a genius to figure out where the way leads, China's been bully for more than a decade now.

> You're citing WIKIPEDIA articles? I didn't expect that from HN. I am sorry but they're not a credible sources either.

1, The first wikipedia article (the first link) I referenced was not to take it as a source, but to point out that India's unilateral statement is not convincing enough to bring consensus to the table. You missed my point.

2, The second wikipedia article (the fourth link) I referenced is something that all sides already agree on, and is adequately sourced. There's nothing wrong with using Wikipedia entries to give quick access to information to people.

3, I think you may have misunderstood something, HN is not an academic journal, and you would fully expect people to cite Wikipedia entries all the time[1].

> Nepal was like a brother, we had everything to share with them.

This was what India did in 2015: "Nepal border blockade: Hospitals running out of drugs"[2]. And you are calling "Nepal was like a brother"?

> Are you really denying the expansionism by China? If you only care about hyperlink to so called 'International Credible News Sources they're not free from Foreign interference either.

Please don't misinterpret a request for a reliable source as a denial.

I never said that the sources had to be from so called "International Credible News Sources".

After all this time, you have not even been able to give news sources from the mainstream credible media in India's ally, the United States, that support India's claims. (Not just quotes, media also quote the Chinese side)

You keep broadening the scope of the discussion. But those "backgrounds" you introduced, true or not, add little credibility to the India statement you support.


Let's end this discussion. At first I replied to "perryizgr8" just wanted to know why he asserted that "Chinese soldiers kill our people on the border", which sounds like they were killing civilians for no reason. By his/her reply, I understood that he/she was just blindly listening to his/her own government. The phrase "kill our people" is just his/her way of adding fuel to the fire, which is unintentionally or intentionally misleading.

[1]: https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que...

[2]: https://www.cnn.com/2015/11/10/asia/nepal-border-blockade-dr...

[3]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25108360

Are you sure? I think the title is misleading.

Hey! Thanks a lot of sharing this. I find this a inspiring. You are the man who has worn every possible hat after all. All the best for your future.

- Random Internet Stranger.

tiny doubt. How did this work? the progressive loading... was it fetching data as required, making tons of request or just loading data slowly?

Just of clarification, did they take down the project of all Iranian nationals? or simply block access to GitLab from Users with IP from Iran? Would it be possible to hide their identity, say tor or VPN?

Can't speak for GitLab specifically, but I have spoken to Persians living abroad that had their credit cards cancelled, bank accounts frozen, and SIM cards simply stopping to work. One of them hasn't lived in Iran in two decades and denounced their citizenship half a decade ago.

Businesses don't care. It's easier for them to have a couple of false positives than it is to deal with the possible consequences.

Isn't sharing project/code, or any intellectual property with Israel or nations which Iran Supremo doesn't approve, banned too? (in Iran)

I find this ridiculous, trying to stop flow of intellectual knowledge.

Yes, that's was an interesting case of what you mentioned https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24364793

It's also ironic, because this is an Iranian having and using a Github account without being blocked, which some commentators here appear to believe is impossible due to US sanctions.

China is acting like that global villainy country now. They problems with all it's neighbors, well even with a country which is separated by 100kms by sea (AUS). They're quite intelligently meddling in Nepal govt. to threaten India, at the same time taking over villages of Nepal. .They have problems with Mongols, Muslims, Tibetans, Hong Kong. All while actively debt trapping poor nations. They foul cry when a nation blocks chinese tech, but every foreign tech is pretty much banned in entire China!

I don't see any end to this. In the current COVID situation, not even a group of nations could stand up to china's domination. Maybe it's just too late to take any action. They're playing dirty, so ideally we should to. But could we? I doubt. They're lobbying power is way too tremendous. At least my country, no leader has a spine to stand up.

The world needs to stand up and fight evil like this. If you remain silent now, it will be you or your family in a concentration camp next.

wait.... i am not the only one whose image viewer takes like 10s of seconds to show up! It's so horribly slow that i instead open browser and then drag the image onto browser. I beat default 100% of time!

I initially wrote it off as my core i3 laptop with Windows being slow but then same thing was happening with my shiny new Windows 10 Core i7 workstation. It's really not cool. It all the UWP apps. The new Calculator opens much slower than the older application also.


UI is old, but is the fastest.

It's fast, because it's old

-- State of software, 2020

Apropos of nothing, I will note that pretty much all of Microsoft's testers got laid off in 2014, shortly after Nadella became CEO, and were never replaced. Whether it was in motion while Ballmer was still CEO or not, Nadella still would've had to acquiesce to it for it to happen and bears responsibility.

Maybe it's trying to sign me in to some telemetry service and share my image with Cortana.

At my work I have to look at details on images often. Photos have a zoom button that randomly disappears. And together with slowness and other bugs I had to revert to using Paint for viewing images, since I'm blocked from installing other programs.

I changed the file in Windows 10 so that the old Photo Viewer app was kept active.

Wow, I thought I was the only one too! Ridiculous how bad this damn app is. It just makes me more angry dealing with it now that I will know that it's not just my PC that's to blame.

I really liked the default PDF viewer that came with Win10. But then they killed that.

THiS is sO aWeSoMe! But it blocked - CORS. I just tried if loop works. I guess it did get me kicked.

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