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G-Core Labs | Remote | Full-Time | https://gcorelabs.com/

We are building cloud infrastructure. Want to become the number one edge network solution that can protect your apps and speed them up using a modern tech stack.

Engineering culture: we give autonomy and responsibility. At the same time, we are expecting thoughtful solutions and quality. Fail fast without micromanagement.

Time Zone: CET (+- 3 hours)

* Software Engineer (Go / CDN) - speed up CDN configuration delivery, develop images processing server, implement serverless (long-term plan)

* Lead Software Engineer (Go / Streaming) - develop SRT server and stream analytics, rewrite API from Ruby into Go (very long-term task)

* Software Engineer (Go / DNS) - develop DNS API and Core DNS server (including geo DNS), DNS js

* Software Engineer (C / CDN) - create Nginx modules to scale it to 100 000 virtual hosts and apply changes instantly, improve performance, add custom features

* Software Engineer (C / Security) - write traffic filtering C code for XDP (eBPF) to protect our servers from DDoS attacks

Tech Stack: Kubernetes, Grafana, Prometheus, Clickhouse, Sentry, Nginx, Puppet, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Redis, Resilio

Write me directly if you are interested. b_kurnosov@gcore.lu https://www.linkedin.com/in/bogdan-kurnosov/

Do you offer Visa support? Didn't find specifics on website as well.

Depends on location

G-Core Labs | Remote-first | Full-time | https://gcorelabs.com/ | https://careers.gcorelabs.com/jobs/Careers

We build CDN, DNS, DDoS Protection, Video Streaming, Edge Computing and other infrastructure solutions.

We are looking for:

* Systems Engineers (to operate global infrastructure of more than 800 nodes all over the world)

* Systems Engineers (to operate Clickhouse Cluster and Kafka Cluster)

* [CET +- 5h] Go Software Engineers to build image conversion solution and new CDN features

* [CET +- 5h] Python Software Engineers to build API for our CDN Product and integrate with other providers

* [CET +- 5h] C Software Engineers to develop protection from DDoS attacks using XDP (eBPF) and add new features to our proxy server

* [CET +- 5h] Product Managers to push our infrastructure products forward (Security, Image Optimization, DNS, etc.)

* L2 Engineers to debug our customers problems efore they come to Ops

Can personally guarantee healthy engineering culture. I work in this company for more than 5 years and can definitely recommend it, write me so I can refer you and speed up recruiting process.

Email: b_kurnosov@gcore.lu Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bogdan-kurnosov/

G-Core Labs | Remote (CET +- 3 hours), Luxembourg, Lithuania, Germany

We build infrastructure solutions like CDN, DNS, Images processing, Video Streaming. We have more than 6,000+ peering points, 140+ points of presence, and 75+ Tbps total network capacity. If you are interested to know how cloud solutions are built and want to take part in this, then we are waiting for you :)

We have strong engineering culture and care deeply about people, I am personally responsible for this.

View all our jobs here: https://gcorelabs.com/careers/

Currently, we are very interested in the following positions (some of them are not described on our website, so contact me directly):

* C Software Engineer (to scale our main CDN proxy server to handle more than 60 000 rps of our CDN traffic) - very high load

* C Software Engineer (to build traffic filtering using ebpf/xdp, needs deep knowledge of networking and concurrency) - very high load

* Go Software Engineer (to develop authoritative DNS server and DNS API)

* Go Software Engineer (to develop SRT and SRS video streaming servers

* Go Software Engineer (to develop CDN / Streaming statistics delivery to Clickhouse)

* Go Software Engineer (to scale our CDN config delivery)

* Python Software Engineer (to write Django API to manage our CDN)

* Python Software Engineer (to write Django API to manage our Security Solution)

* Data analytic (to analyze tons of HTTP requests and define bots there)

* DevOps / SRE (to operate our global infrastructure consisting of more than 800 bare metal hosts worldwide) - we need a lot of those guys!

* Lead Technical Writer (we need to create a lot of technical content for CDN, DNS and other products)

Tech stack in overall: Go, Python, C, XDP, Kubernetes, Drone CI, Grafana, Prometheus, Sentry, PostgreSQL, Clickhouse, RabbitMQ, Redis, Django, grpc, Nginx, core-dns, ELK (Kibana)

Reach me out at b_kurnosov@gcore.lu or https://www.linkedin.com/in/bogdan-kurnosov/

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