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Do ARM cpus have this? Seriously... profanity here

ARMs vary from simple microcontrollers to the SoCs used in smartphones and tablets.

The former, probably not.

The latter probably have something similar --- and they're even less publicly documented than Intel ME/AMT or AMD's equivalent.

AMD PSP it is ARM TrustZone.

An ARM CPU is just a core. SoCs probably do have this, pretty often. I know the Raspberry Pi's got a separate processor core running closed-source Broadcom software, and which has access to the system's memory.

He appoints the regulatory reps that are alligned with his policies. Add personal dynamics and diplomacy and you have a rather big role.

what a horrible idea, implementation and careless disregard for patient safety.

whomever thought this was a good idea should be disqualified.

I am sorry to say that your reasoning is simplistic. The mortality risk implied by a potentially longer excision is not that trivial. Actually, this is exactly why the morcellator made it to widespread use. If that wasn't the case, you would be saying things on the order of "why use such primitive techniques when you can do it through less risky incisions? Whoever thought this was a good idea should be disqualified" Benefit versus risk of the use of a morcellator remains to be established. Which is why the FDA did not ban it altogether. But in an overly legalized society such as the US, manufacturers will often find beneficial to push the complication risk back onto the practioner by discontinuing their product in hope of avoiding trial.

I see your point and its valid.

But damn man, cancer cells are known to spread like hayfire. I imagine using a blender like instrument on cancer would be an obvious disaster.

Thank you for the contra though, i will give this more thought.

basic osmosis - water washes out the body's minerals. esp. tap water.

add a bit of salt to your tap water - it helps to retain water and doesn't flush out your deposits.

too much water and too much salt are both bad! had a dude in my village die after drinking around 5 liters on a dare - nervous system failure. it was so severe that he couldn't be saved.

human habits include many activities that consume a lot of water too - if you drink alcohol, salt consumption on that day/night is a must!

i find adding some soysauce to a cup of water and chugging that before bed takes care of most side effects.

and food does taste better with salt added, i must admit, esp. meat.

>food does taste better with salt added

Right, so the mode of intake matters, not just the salt itself.

For example one could eat bland (unsalted) food and drink salt water later which would produce less pleasure for the same quantity of sodium consumed. So there might be different physiological effects.

taste + pleasure centers in the brain.

used to be useful when we were huntergatherers!

these days, it's just nice for food to taste good!

removes shades mother of god. 1000+ pdf.

I spent about 30 minutes speed reading through it only to realize I barely made it out of the first chapter. Dense read!

yeah, it's a reference, if anything. not a practical "read" per se, but hey A+ for effort.

i get by using 4-5 commands and neovim, it's plenty for my sysadmin needs.

if you want a short 30page read that has most things, there's the red team field manual! i recommend having a copy

amazon link > Rtfm: Red Team Field Manual: https://www.amazon.com/Rtfm-Red-Team-Field-Manual/dp/1494295...

it's a no frills collection of commands grouped under topic/use case. command description is left to the user to lookup using the manpages.

Building a rest API for a DevOps platform wont be easy in bash.

Scala is also less verbose, easy todo FP with and its very natural to do system/db work with.

Its basically a better java for me.

Its amazing for anything internal,

I import it using sbt/ivy and load the console/run an ssh session!

We use ammonite everyday! Its a great tool!

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Linux basement monkey/Sysadmin supporting a dev Team and soon clients, here!

I dont care about nomenclature. I chose my weapons, and i can do fine with them; jenkins, artifactory, puppet, docker, vagrant and ammonite. All strung together using scala and bash scripts. Github MDs for docs and svn because it was there and the lads and ladies here like it.

Anyone can choose a stack. They just have to get good at it.


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