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I built a website to help people find summer camps for their kids.


Right now it’s just what i got up in a hurry last year, covers Seattle area only. Next year will cover SF and LA at least (and have a lot more features).

The data is quite granular (each row is one batch, say x age group at y location with z theme) and I do a lot of structuring data with prompts and now OpenAI’s Structured Outputs. I think the data gathering would have made this cost prohibitive otherwise.

I’m not engineer by training or work experience, so this also would have been impossible for me to build without ChatGPT’s help coding.

The notable part, to me:

“The memo cites a recent study, published in the journal of the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE), looking at Washington, D.C.’s implementation of no-turn-on-red restrictions at 100 intersections in 2019. Driver-to-driver conflicts were reduced by 97%, and vehicle-pedestrian conflicts were reduced by 92% following the installation of consistent no-turn-on-red (NTOR) signage.”

The Jesuit high school I went to had a class “Jesus of History, Christ of Faith”, that looked at what we do and don’t know about a historical Jesus (at least as of ~2000).

I’m sure I’d had my doubts before, but that class convinced me to stop believing for good.

Gotta hand it to the Jesuits for teaching that class though; all these years later and I still have a lot of respect for that order

I believe flybrand had to look up the word and then just wanted to save time for other folks (like me) who might also have needed to do so :)

I interpreted the capitalization of 'THEOLOGY' as an alarmed objection to the comparison.

The “learn to pronounce” made it seem pretty clear this was just copypasta, without any effort put into editing. The caps presumably just came from the dictionary’s styling. In this case indicating a more specific meaning in a particular field (theology).

Like glaugh, I appreciated the definition of a new-to-me word appearing inline :)

Yes, I was just trying to pass on something helpful based on my own ignorance.

Understandable. Actually if you Google the word theology is in all caps in the definition so the intention of the comment is unclear.

Yes, that was exactly it. I didn’t know the word and figured others might not.

Clavinova digital piano! I hated piano as a kid, largely bc of the lesson style (and plan on trying Suzuki method with my kids).

I’ve played guitar (poorly) for years and I’m shocked with how (relatively) easy it is on piano to do fun improvisation or learn songs I love (Radiohead’s Videotape to start, now trying Piano Man)

And digital means I can turn down the volume when kids are sleeping, use as a midi controller, etc. I’m not audiophilic enough to really care about the tonal difference between it and a real piano, I really can’t tell

Try out Pianoteq! Connect your digital piano to a computer (even Raspberry Pi) and try it out: https://www.modartt.com/pianoteq

This software will make your piano sound like a $20k grand piano.

ps - another fun project: adding an LED strip that responds to the piano keys - to create a beautiful visual rainbow when you play.

There are free vsts you can use instead of pianoteq as well.

On linux I set up my midi controller with Carla to use Salamander Piano [0]:

[0]: https://sfzinstruments.github.io/pianos/salamander

Thank you for the share!

But FYI, the link you sent: Size 394+ MB

Pianoteq takes about 35MB :)

Yes, but it starts at $149. Unless you're doing music professionally, that is rather steep when free ones like Salamander exist.

Does it have weighted keys? Do you have a link to the model you purchased?

This is what I came here to say, very much agree. I frequently have the experience of going to examine.com or Cochrane Collaboration for info on more natural remedies and see that we just don’t have enough science on them to know.

Feels like the kind of market failure that could be solved by foundations, government funding, or legislated incentives to pharma

I’m not qualified to have an opinion here, but interesting to note that Thom Yorke of Radiohead has never learned to read sheet music (and they have a decent number of piano-based tunes)

The BK bumper car game has turned into a weird little christmas tradition in my family. Actually a very fun, easy-to-learn/hard-ish-to-master game (basically 2D Rocket League)

And this observation does have empirical backing and is known as the “Spotlight Effect”. The more careful definition of it (which I agree is not the point of the pithy story) is “People tend to overestimate the degree to which others notice them and their failings.”

(Caveat that I haven’t looked into how deeply this has survived the psych and social psych replication crisis)

This feels very clever to me. I think people have very wrong senses of how bad various actions are for carbon footprint. I know folks who don’t eat meat for CO2 reasons (which I’m fine with) but fly across the US all the time—-sorry citation needed and happy to be corrected but I did this math once and it was roughly one year of meat = one (round?)trip.

A side-benefit, in my view, is to show that actually offsetting carbon footprints isn’t terribly expensive (for people who have the disposable income to fly across the country), which I think counters the “We’d have to shut down the economy to stop global warming” misconception that I believe a lot of people have (citation also needed here, just personal experience)

The Indulgences That Actually Work Card (in the sense of old Catholic indulgences), you could call it :)

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