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Yeah, he is. People on the internet make up facts fast.

After his quiet departure, the YC communication team edited his Wikipedia page to remove his affliation with YC. Make of that what you will, but I don't think many would even bothering doing that for an ex-employee if they were beloved

Is Cloudflare blocking crawling?

Short answer: yes.

would very much appreciate a long answer, or a link to one would do

How do you get around the captcha or whatever they call their "click to prove you're a human" thing they do on half the web now? Oh you have to report to Cloudflare what you intend to do, when, how, etc, and if they don't like it you're SOL. This is just a fact about the Internet, you can't debate or refute it so describe to me how they're not blocking crawling for their partners.

I've long suspected Cloudflare itself commissions DDOS attacks just to sell their own services and that they attack rivals too. Look at one of the live maps of cyber-attacks some time, you'll see a lot originate and are destined inside the US, and that they mainly come from cloud providers. Then just imagine how cute you'd feel about yourself if you figured out how to use the cloud to burn everybody who didn't pay you protection money or enter into your free tier where you merely own the TLS certs. I think they got a bit too cute just like we've seen before with the dragon infitity logo signature the NSA uses.

https://www.2captcha.com/ is a popular (paid) captcha solving service, but there are many others out there.

Just a lot of anti bot logic

BS article

Yeah it really is, also its not a migration its a rewrite. This is just hot trash.

small companies have less resources?

Which is why it will take time… but they are not even entertaining the idea.

I would love to see them add an AMD (and even ARM) option, but right now I applaud them for being tight-lipped about any future developments. What would they gain by acknowledging that they’re entertaining such ideas? People postponing their purchases, endlessly asking for ETA updates, getting mad when there are delays, etc. They’re much better off saying nothing and doing the work in the background. I also would understand if they choose not to offer a second CPU platform at this point. From their standpoint, it’s hugely expensive and time consuming to develop, potentially doubles their QA and support costs, makes their supply chain and inventory story more complicated, and probably makes their relationship with Intel a little worse. And realistically, they won’t get double the sales from just having an AMD option. So I would be pleasantly surprised if they offer an AMD option within 3 years, but I’m not holding my breath.

Is there similar for windows? I know there was 3rd party solutions with alt+ click

Interesting, but the latest release dates back to 2015!

using it since then, still works fine. And for macos - BetterSnapTool.

Using it on Windows 11, works perfectly fine.

Not exactly the same, but Alt+Space, M (selecting Move from the system menu) also moves the mouse pointer to the title bar so that you can immediately use the mouse to drag from there (or alternatively move the window using the arrow keys, of course).

Slightly related, I always use Alt+Space, C to close windows, as I find that easier to press than Alt+F4.

Great take on the topic. I completely agree, love the small communities that form in Reddit and there I can find the experts to ask.

StackExchange is better for an informed discussion. Reddit has become too much like Yahoo! Answers.

That's why I created "Developer search" chrome extension to easily add filters for site and time on your search https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/developer-search/d...

Love it I edited the main content width so I have to scroll less

Invest in my startup :D haha joking

Great one, I would recommend not taking too long to get back in the game of goals as they keep you moving forward, also maybe start looking for a life partner if you haven't done yet.

The summary is the pure love. Thank you!

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