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I played a ton of Rocket League and I think there's some non-obvious benefits to Psyonix being acquired by Epic Games that boil down to "Psyonix can be more focused on the core game".

Being acquired by Epic could reduce headaches in these areas:

- Logistics behind eSports leagues.

- Managing server scale, stability and performance.

- Managing platform cross-play.

- Managing publishing across multiple platforms.

I think that the logistical overhead of keeping the lights on is at the expense of Psyonix's ability to provide meaningful content updates and keep the core gameplay fresh.

I wonder if the same holds true for virtual reality. Does violence in VR result in an increase in violent behavior?

I think the medium and experience is different enough - is anyone aware of research in this area?

When the Chromebook Pixel is configured to run Linux through Crouton/chroot, it displays a warning on reboot and will automatically reflash the machine to stock ChromeOS without intervention. Not a great option if there's a chance someone non-technical will try to use the machine.

Insane. That page loads in 111 network requests totaling about 40MB.

I don't know how all these big companies talking about the mobile web and PWAs manage to build sites so inefficient for mobile loading.

Web development is eventually going to collapse under the weight of itself. This just seems so ... sloppy.

This is what happens when you make everything an API and try to hide all of the details. People program as the docs tell them to, not realizing that what they're doing requires a hideous amount of complexity under the hood. It is sadly rare for an API to actually mention that a particular method is expensive.

Huh, this is a badly coded WordPress site with HTML and CSS?

I got 130 totaling 20MB, but still insane. At least some of them are loaded after the initial render.

Not sure if this is worse than the redirect hell on the rest of their website...

In other words, it's a typical Wordpress site.

Came to say the same, crazy. A 4MB+ gif?!

Being confused is not particularly useful. One of those articles is old and the other mainly has a sensational headline. There's no evidence in the text that the writer knows what a keylogger is, but he does say "Click Turn Off and you’ll be free from the watchful eye of your own PC". He doesn't say "Click Turn Off and you’ll avoid having all your keystrokes stored on a Microsoft server."

In passing, yes, there was a keylogger in the Technical Preview version of Windows 10.

This echoes the "couldn't you just replicate Dropbox with x + y + z ..." mindset of the past.

Why the past?

I tried to use Dropbox but it just didn't have what I wanted it to have. So, I find it to be not only replaceable, but awfully inferior to the x+y+z-style solutions.

A note that using extends Component will cost you the function auto-binding that [p]react.createClass provides. In my specific case, using extends produced code that read more poorly.

FWIW, I checked out at the "go install PostGres" pre-requisite. I'd prefer either being less opinionated about pgsql or making the dependency transparent via something like Docker.

I've not read all the documentation yet, but I'm assuming you can tell Nodal to use any arbitrary IP:PORT for the database, which would allow for Docker.

ES6 support in modern browsers is pretty okay (see: https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/).

It doesn't eliminate the need to transpile, but it looks like transpiling may not be necessary forever.

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