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All of us are random people.

This game is also great on the quest 2 and 3.

It won’t be along until the ads come back. I did the same thing. The ads always come back. Ended up returning it.

Have you seen DNA? Mistakes and dupes and hallucinations all over the place. Ever since Sherlock Crick and Doctor Watson started meddling with it.

It's one thing to analyze it. It's an entirely different thing to let a machine of dubious abilities create new DNA.

Isn't DNA in itself a machine of dubious abilities? It's only functional because what functions is what survives, imagine the amount of 'unsurvived' because of how shit the code is.

machines that undergo accelerate evolution, I would trust them more under rigorous guidelines

I just need to be able to test the guidelines and results. Clinical trial process to make an objective decision from that point.

Agreed. For Philly I go to this guy.


I’m in Philly and about 20 years ago I sat next to an old man at a dinner for something. Neither of us wanted to be there. We talked, found out we both did tech things. I asked him what he worked on and he said “well back in the day I helped build ENIAC.” I was blown away. Had a great talk.

These are the moments in life to cherish. As Ferris Bueller once said "Life moves fast, if you don't stop to look around once in a while, you might miss it".

Incidentally, one of the scariest things about the volatility in the housing market and in my (lack of) career, is that I may at some point be forced to abandon the neighborhood and city in which I've adopted as my home and in which I've befriended many of these random delightful people of all ages, and they might have to too. They're my community, I see them at the gym, the coffee shop, walking down the street, or at the park. A 1 bedroom condo starts at around $650k CAD, and most of the people here who haven't already owned something for a while depend on renting basements.

These articles always tell me I’m doing too much or not enough.

Drink more red wine! Drinking any red wine at all will kill you! Replace water with red wine! Just looking at red wine linked to spontaneous combustion!!!

I saw Sorcerer on the big screen a month ago in Philly. Amazing. Made me wonder what I’ve been watching for the last 20 years.

My dude…

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