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you can use twitter and subscribe to just economics. I worked in the financial world for a long time and this is what I do currently.

do note that the financial world is much more pessimistic and doom-gloom than the current geopolitical wars with USD/JPY carry trade unwinding, US treasury debts being dumped and USD loosing sheen slowly in global trades.

>DeltaTerra Capital, a research firm he founded to warn investors about the next housing crisis. This one will be caused by climate change

>DeltaTerra Capital is an investment research and consulting firm serving institutional clients that seek to mitigate climate risk exposure

A hedge fund that sells climate risk solutions warns of climate change risk problems.

The internet nowadays is just ads, ads pretending to be news, propaganda, seo landfill and staged social media videos. I am glad I got to enjoy the early 2000's geocities/myspace genuine human connections internet.

The war in Ukraine is over. Now it's time to set the theater in Asia. Middle East is also blowing up.

American MIC: A day without a war is a day wasted

Could you please stop posting unsubstantive comments and flamebait? You've unfortunately been doing it repeatedly. It's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for.

If you wouldn't mind reviewing https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html and taking the intended spirit of the site more to heart, we'd be grateful.

I suppose I should add that this is not a response to your political views, whatever they may be. It's a response to your account's pattern of posting low-quality and flamebait comments, especially on divisive topics. We don't need you to change your views but we do need you to stop posting like that.

The whole post is low quality simping for war in one more geography pushed by the thin veneer of drum beats of the US military media.

It's the same "Iraq has wmd" Bs all over again pushed by these trash rags.

Of course it will be "low quality and flamebait" for y'all

You may be right about the article but I was talking about your HN comments.

Pushing for diplomacy and peace for better economy is heresy now as it always was. It's your forum so I will stop commenting. Peace out

> The war in Ukraine is over.

What do you mean by that


Zelensky has been requesting peace since the beginning of the war -- Russia returns to Ukraine'# internationally recognized borders, and the war's over.

And last I checked, the manpower shortage should be addressed in 2026, after Ukraine finally lowered their draft age earlier the year.

Actually only the west is trying to stop the whole peace deal. Zelensky is asking for ceasefire. No one else wants it. No one wants peace.

To be fair “defending two sovereign states from invasion” isn’t really war mongering. No comments on Lebanon tho… fingers crossed the bluster dies out before more innocents are killed. Not looking good.

Morally right or not, even the US and allies have a limit to how many military resources exist and at what rate they can produce more. Fighting on three fronts at the same time, especially when one of them involves a country that supplies much of your industrial capacity, just isn't viable.

This is true, but there's an objectively worse middle ground (that we're in now) where the US deterrent lacks credibility so random semi-functional states are starting shit and the US drains capacity by half-heartedly responding to them (aka Houthis, Russia, Hamas, etc).

If there was a firm belief "The US will respond in force to aggression" it would prevent the attempts, and the US would stop wasting ordinance responding in a halfassed way.

Alternately, the US could just do nothing outside of the 1-2 regions it cares about (ie, the pacific). But the current status isn't great.

You underestimate the US military industrial complex.

Today it’s less an industrial complex and more a graft and lobbying complex.

Look at the amount of equipment US has lost in Vietnam - 10,000 aircraft, including strategic bombers! incomparably more ammunition. Those losses were considered sustainable!

Now it can’t produce enough dumb artillery shells!

US military doctrine doesn't _use_ dumb artillery shells, because it assumes total air superiority.

That’s a questionable assumption, but fine - look at production capacity of air to ground missiles, or whatever it is that you think is relevant.

You will find that US can only produce a fraction of what it could in 1970’s.

No further production is necessary. Simply loan out a few fully stocked Ohio-class subs and watch how quickly the bullies back off.

We were never at war with Eurasia. We’ve always been at war with east asia.

We were always at war with those who dont align with us. Russia. China. Middle east nationalism.

you forgot to add Latin America, Africa, South East Asia. Basically 90% of the world.

One of the geographical trick question is "Which country has the US NOT bombed?" and not many people can answer this.

Depleted stores from fighting in Ukraine plus a hot war in the Middle East probably would make the defense of Taiwan impossible. If I'm Taiwan, I really don't want things in the Middle East to get out of control.

The weapons need for Ukraine and Taiwan are mostly different. For the US, Ukraine is mostly ground combat and strike. Taiwan would be all naval and warplanes. There are a few overlaps, like anti-tank missiles and Patriot missiles.

The money is different with Taiwan being able to buy or build weapons. Taiwan does need to increase their defense spending. They should license build weapons, and then sell the excess to Ukraine.

This is preposterous! I already ordered chicken chowmein with it

Sovereign Debts are the Treasury Bonds. There is no chance in hell, it will have a lower rating. The debt will always be paid off, at the cost of higher yields for the future. Its an extremely unpleasant situation but inflation and higher taxes are first in line before even any possibility of Treasuries defaulting.

The infographic that you see is not autocomplete. Autocomplete on Google stops if you type "President Donald Tr"

on Bing.com it shows plenty of results after that. eg "Donald Trump News" , "Donald Trump Democrat or Republican", "Website" etc etc.

Type in "Pandora Papers" and then "Zelen.." it stops autocomplete.

It does complete with a weird spelling of Zelensky or with "Ukraine President" but NOT with either Volodymyr or Zelensky.

No such issues with Bing.

solutions and value inherently become capitalistic. Can you quantify what you mean by "provided value"?

> Can you quantify what you mean by "provided value"?

I took it to mean ignoring companies in sales & marketing or FIRE (finance, insurance, real estate), as well as focussing on the effects of a company's products and services versus their valuation.

I had couple of usecases for this. One was one of my very young cousin usually has voice chat in his gaming sessions and I wanted to anonymize it.

The second was we got a very enthusiastic video spokesperson but unfortunately she has a very thick non-american accent and this can help us alleviate it.

This will not resolve your second issue as it replaces timbre but not accent.

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