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For what it’s worth, I’ve found using Perplexity Pro (with Claude 3 Opus) to exceed the accuracy of asking a non-expert armed with Google Search and a few minutes of time.

Having this integrated into Kiwix would be great!

My apologies for the style I had ChatGPT write this haha

Seems like this could be suitable for masochists like me who wish to run language models on retro computers :)

not really imo

i'm really enjoy the resurgence of very minimal implementations of ml algorithms, because if you've recently tried performing inference on a sophisticated ml model in a way that's user friendly in any capacity, you know that it essentially involves pulling out your prayer book, rosary and incense, pulling like 20gb of python dependencies, 20 different frameworks, all of which breaks very easily, any minor difference in versioning is guaranteed to break the entire setup, with no hope of fixing it, it's just bindings on top of bindings on top of bindings, every other day a new library comes out that builds on top of existing libraries, introducing their new format, promising "deploy models in with 15 lines of python", then "10 lines of python", then "1 one of python", which essentially calls into a black box N layers of python on top of each other, calling into an extremely complicated C++ autodiff library, the source code of which can only be acquired by an in person meeting with some sketchy software engineer from czechia, all of which only works on python 3.10.2, cuda v12.78.1298.777 with commit aohfyoawhftyaowhftuawot, only compiled with microsoft's implementation of C++ compiler, with 10 non-standard extensions enabled, all of this OF COURSE only if you have the most optimal hardware

point is, if your implementation is a simple C project that's trivial to build/integrate into your project, it's significantly easier to use on any hardware, not just retro (popularity of llama.cpp is a great testament to that imo)

sama, please don't delete your blog. I appreciate reading gems like this one: https://blog.samaltman.com/productivity

So work on the right stuff (whatever you enjoy) and have opinions and hang out with the right people who also work on the right stuff?

Make lists of important things and do them?

How you care for your body is individualistic so there's really no advice to give on the subject?

That's not exactly insightful. Or meaningful. Or actionable.

But it's Thought Leadership, especially to those that worship wealth! Gamify it a bit and you've got boundless hustle culture YouTube content!

Won't someone think of the people that need to make those LinkedIn slide posts?!

"It's open source, just fork it."

Does this have potential for running on an SBC? Mine only has 2GB of RAM and I'm interested in running a toy language model on it.

Amy implementation for this akin to llama.cpp?

Same question, so far I've found this thread https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/issues/1602 where people work on it.

Why not just use Bing AI for $0/month?

What comparable utility or scenario do you envision using the likes of Bing for?

At least the RP2040 chip is appearing in boards from other manufacturers, like Arduino

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