My primary concern with recent advances in AI is the imbalance it will create. Most optimistic views on AI come from people already employed by the major players (OpenAI, Microsoft, Nvidia, etc.), and one their main arguments is that while they acknowledge AI will displace numerous jobs, it will also generate superior ones. However, the main problem arises when these "better" jobs replace the lost ones, but are performed by fewer individuals. One developer will be capable of accomplishing the work of at least three, and the same applies to lawyers, analysts, and so on.
I started getting interested in Elixir, especially after seeing the amazing benchmark of Phoenix, built on top of Elixir >>
One problem i can see is you build an isolated system. People when look for a solution like inventory, hopes that in the future they can intregrate it into a bigger system. Someone talk in this discussion about ERP, but i think that build an ERP require too much resources and time, about all for an startup, but is desirable to have a product that have more than just an inventory system. I think you have two ways, first integrate your system with some big alternatives of market [some one mention shopify] or create more systems and integrate them [consider see openerp or openbravo]...
Hey man, i just found a problem with Ruby. When i run the demo code with sinatra, tries to download dependencies with Bundler, i got this error:
Installing dependencies using Bundler version 1.3.2
Running: bundle install --without development:test --path vendor/bundle --binstubs vendor/bundle/bin --deployment
The source :rubygems is deprecated because HTTP requests are insecure.
Please change your source to ' if possible, or ' if not.
You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing
your Gemfile. Run `bundle install` elsewhere and add the
updated Gemfile.lock to version control.
You have added to the Gemfile:
* source: rubygems repository
* sinatra (= 1.1.0)
* thin
ERROR: Failed to install gems via Bundler.
I just was waiting for that. I was recently searching for a new open source project in Ruby on Rails where i could collaborate to improve my skills and generate some value...
There is a huge difference between Ruby and Go, in terms of performance. I wonder if anyone has any experience with Python, considering that both are interpreted programming languages.
I've has decent experiences with Python in Google Code Jam, with two exceptions. (1) Python can't handle large numbers, so the mere existence of huge integer inputs for the large prime number problem blew up my code since Python could not convert numbers that large. (2) Python is fine with math, but at a certain point of data accumulation, performance just plummets, no matter how good your algorithm is. Overall, though, I haven't had the experience the parent comment did. Either Python works beautifully or it literally just doesn't work, rather than take an hour.
I treat it as a challenge, though, as it forces me to be smarter about my implementation.
> Python can't handle large numbers, so the mere existence of huge integer inputs for the large prime number problem blew up my code since Python could not convert numbers that large.
Beg pardon?
>>> 2**2**2**2**2
[snipped because HN does not allow 20k comments)
In my experience the speed decrease isn't worth it during competitions.
I heard some talk about allowing Python at the International Olympiad in Informatics (in addition to Pascal and C(++)) but that's probably far off
Actually, Python is compiled (just like Java, C#, Ruby) to bytecode which is executed in a virtual machine. It is the dynamic nature of certain languages that can make them slower than languages that are statically typed.