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This is what a lot of people want to believe but orientation seems to depend more on culture than genes (e.g. Ancient Greece, US Prisons, etc.).

>Very true. Well, except maybe for that one time when Germany became an open-air rape camp under the noses of police who did nothing for fear of being accused of racism.

What an awful example and has nothing, what so ever to do with the laws against being a Nazi. Do you honestly believe the US has never avoided reporting something for fear of being labeled? Really?

The other example you gave was covered by others in the thread. Spoiler: it's a lie.

> nothing, what so ever to do with the laws against being a Nazi

You are very poorly informed. The laws against "being a Nazi" are generic "no bad speech" laws. Nazism is just their most well-known application. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volksverhetzung

> Spoiler: it's a lie.

A lawyer went to prison, for statements she made, in court, in defense of her client. That's not supposed to happen. It's not a feature.

>So I decided to go at it on my own and charge a rate I felt I was worth. Best career decision I've made so far.

I think this, above all else, is the key to the frustration and ever decreasing salaries we're seeing. The market has spoken: employees just aren't worth that much. If you want to capture more of the value you create you'll need to go into business for yourself. It's risky, but sitting a desk in a huge office watching rates go down and down will probably turn out to be more risky in the end if you can't retire before it gets too bad.

Having said all that, would you mind expanding on exactly what you did?

I started by talking to my friends and networking with people who needed developers, using online sites to find people hiring or seeking developers I could pitch on my services(this works amazingly well), and doing content marketing to get some SEO and exposure for myself and services. I started with a rate that was a little more than my salary when I left to cover things like savings, retirements, insurance, taxes etc that my job paid and raised my rates any time I had to much work to do. See my other response in the thread for more details.

If you spend a lot of money you're not guaranteed to get the best. But if you go cheap you are nearly guaranteed to get a bad developer/product/whatever.

> there will be transforms back for 10->9, 9->8, 8->7... all the way back to 2. It works well enough.

We did something like this in the on a message bus: the channels had the version in the name and and older version service always asked for the same data on the next version channel (the only other version it knew about), and then transformed it before sending it on. This meant you never had to maintain anything accept your newest version. It also meant you could never completely remove data because versions going obsolete needed a way to find or derive it to create their older version.

>They're defining a bunch of custom media types, which in of itself is pretty weird,

No it isn't. If you're doing REST and your resources are not completely trivial (arguably, even if they are) you should be defining a custom media type for them (think HTML5).

>but then they're not actually using those media types as the Content-Type of the response.

Ok, that is very weird.

> if so, are they so dense in not understanding how normal people running red lights is less of an issue here than a machine running that red light?

I disagree. A machine might be able to completely verify that it's safe to ignore the light. I wouldn't trust a person to do that.

That could just as easily be interpreted that he's stuck with this spelling mistake (as he said in the other quote) and now asks us to play along ("that's, uh, just how they talked!").

I'd like to work where you work. My experience with management has been "barely hanging on" to "actively damaging the company" with a few "adequate" and 1 or 2 "inspiring" thrown in the mix.

Actually the GP is incorrect. It's pretty well understood [1] these days that your body is like a "cup" that can only take a certain amount of stress before it starts getting counter productive. Mental stress and center-nervous-system stress (what weight training does) both contribute so if you already have a lot of one you're forced to have less than the other or everything suffers.

[1] I'm not in a position to hunt links but lookup "Alan Thrall stress" on youtube.

Many thanks, this seems to be pretty close! Anyway, do you know any way to increase the "stress threshold", so that I can withstand more mental + physical stress? Mental stress is given by work, and one doesn't want to look flabby either but rather ripped without getting ill/fatigued etc. I understand a lot of this is genetic, though I am sure there are some ways to help body with it.

Well, this is all new to me as well but the way I've seen it presented (from multiple sources) it seems to be person-specific. If there is a way to increase you "cup size" either I haven't yet seen it (wouldn't be surprising) or it isn't yet known.

Oh well, I guess it's trial and error then. I was actually doing 5 minute cold showers for a year, alongside HIIT/strength training/cardio and bleeding edge mental work, and I guess I was too optimistic I could handle it and went over my limits (which seem to be pretty high already but still firmly in place...)

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