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We do, yes.

The most recent publicly available numbers (that I know of, maybe there's a talk available somewhere that's more recent) are from https://stripe.com/blog/sorbet-stripes-type-checker-for-ruby

> currently amounting to over 15 million lines of code spread across 150,000 files

The monorepo has only gotten bigger over the last two years (source: I work at Stripe).

I should also note that number is Ruby files only.

Stripe is a huge Sorbet user.

Just because indexing is bounds-checked by default doesn't mean that the bounds-checking is necessarily in your final code:


Yes, you still have the bounds check when constructing the slice, but that's fine.

And since it's probably slightly more common to iterate over the length of the vector anyway:


Not usually; `float` is 32 bits and `double` is 64 bits on virtually every common platform (maybe not on some DSP chips or certain embedded chips?). But the C++ standard (and probably the C one) only requires that `double` have at least as much precision as a `float`, so it's conceivable you could have a C++ implementation with 32-bit `float` and `double` or 16-bit `float` and 32-bit `double.

The WASI tutorial for compiling C/Rust to wasm and running it has some useful information on this front: https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/blob/master/doc...

We wouldn't have been able to put wasm in Firefox like this if there wasn't decent compiler/runtime support via the clang ecosystem.

That C code has a bug where the inner write loop writes the same portion of the buffer after a short write.

The Rust code, by contrast, slurps up the entire file contents into a buffer before writing it out. If someone is going to write code that way why even bother with a low-level language? (This "memory is infinite" mentality is something I've noticed in other Rust projects, even major ones like mio.)

Good catch on that bug! I'll fix that.

Beyond that, that file is just a simple example for showing how to work with the toolchain and the sandbox.

How big and/or complicated have your patches been? Copyright assignment is not necessary for not-legally significant changes: https://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/maintain.html#Legally-Sign...

Copyright assignment has long been used as an argument of why not to contribute to FSF projects, and is arguably one of the reasons that Clang/LLVM were able to garner contributions from a much broader set of folks.

We saw significant performance gains when moving from GCC (6) to clang (6). I don't think it'd be particularly hard to switch back at this point; this article provides some solid data for doing so.

Yeah, but to be fair the work to actually enable LTO was very significant (at least as far as we outside the community could see via stuff like the blog post here) and involved a ton of toolchain-specific hackery and work with the clang upstream.

Given that same level of effort (c.f. the article we're discussing) it seems like you could have done as well or better by moving to a more recent gcc instead. Or better, by working with both at coming up with a portable way to get LTO working.

I'm not really concerned with what you use to build (I mean, you have to pick some compiler at the end of the day), just with what seems to be "needlessly tight coupling" between clang/llvm and Firefox in a way that hurts the interoperable toolchain ecosystem.

What are you referring to by "a ton of toolchain-specific hackery" and "a portable way to get LTO working"? It seems like there are very specific things you have in mind, but I'm unclear what bits of work you're referencing. Unless you're thinking of the cross-language LTO work, which is still in progress and is of course clang/llvm-specific? I'd love to see that feature work with GCC, but it's simply not feasible at the present time.

Regardless, that feature being enabled when you're using suitable versions of clang/llvm/rustc doesn't preclude using LTO with other compilers.

I would be happy to help with solving GCC related issues and look into performance regressions relative to clang (I am still in process of looking into -O2 performance and plan to set up talos next)

Regression testing for performance is checked via several test suites (Talos, for instance, with numerous subtests: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Performance_sheriffing/Talos/Tests) and monitored by our ever-dutiful performance sheriffs (https://wiki.mozilla.org/Performance_sheriffing).

You can look at https://data.firefox.com/dashboard/hardware for similar numbers. CPU models are not broken out, but you can get a sense of what sort of CPUs are in use by looking at the GPU model: Intel powers 60%+ of the sampled population.

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